
Mixed-up Meetup info for last minute attendees


The Mixed-up Meetup is taking place tomorrow and Sunday, September 23 and 24. I would like to thank everyone who bought tickets or donated to help make sure the meetup could happen.
For anyone who wants to participate in part of the weekend’s events but could not participate in the fundraiser or buy tickets, the museum is free and open to the public.…

Melbourne meetup update (again)


Our venue for the Melbourne meetup has been forced against their will to cancel. This is not the fault of the venue’s owner or staff, but we cannot explain in more detail at this time except to ask that nobody contact the venue to complain, as they cannot do anything about the situation.…

To the Opposition of House Bill 51


I’m a survivor. Not of sexual assault, not of domestic abuse, but of attempts to destroy my future and every aspect of life I hold dear: false allegations of crime. If only I was a victim of something else, because maybe then the people who set their sights on me would not have been allowed to take their shot.…

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