Donald Trump’s candidacy has been, to put it politely, divisive. Recently, an audio recording from 2005 was released in which Trump stated the following:
“It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it.…
Third Wave Feminism’s Cultural Feminist Roots: An Underanalyzed Topic
Many MHRM and Men’s-Issues-supportive voices criticize contemporary, Third Wave feminist thought for rejecting gender essentialism and being critical of traditional femininity. Christina Hoff-Sommers, Camille Paglia and even Milo Yiannopoulous have advanced this critique.…
Gay Men Are Not Oppressed? Really?
Britain’s National Union of Students recently claimed that LGBT student societies affiliated with the NUS should not have specific gay male representatives on the grounds that gay males are not oppressed within LGBT culture (). Many people took this article and misinterpeted it as a claim that gay men are not oppressed at all, but this article is still telling of a great shift within the...
The Consequences Of The Discrediting Of The Lisak Rape Theory
Reason magazine is a libertarian magazine published by the Reason Foundation – a nonprofit advocacy organization to which I am a donor. Despite my political agreement with libertarianism, I have been critical of particular Reason articles in the past (see here: ;
Feminism and Social Androgyny
A common argument made by certain critics of contemporary feminism is that feminism (allegedly) seeks to erase gender differences and turn both men and women into functionally identical “androgynes.” In this article, I wish to not only critique that argument but also show the usefulness of the concept of androgyny to the Men’s Human Rights Movement.…
Did Gamergate Kill David Bowie?
UPDATE: Jennifer Mendoza has indeed been confirmed as a “Poe”/satire account. Nevertheless I won’t delete this post due to its criticism of the idea that gamer culture has historically been hypermasculine and that androgyny or gender-atypicality somehow represents a threat to this culture’s values.…
The Mary Sue/Marty Stu Disparity: A Theory
With Max Landis’ critiques of Rey from Star Wars: The Force Awakens making news in the gendersphere (because some argue that it is misogynist to call Rey a “Mary Sue”), I wish to propose a theory as to why Mary Sues are generally disliked and “called out” far more than Marty Stus.…
An Open Letter to Elizabeth Nolan Brown of Reason Magazine
Note: This letter is in response to the following article –
Ms Brown,
I was utterly shocked to read your recent Reason article “Why So Many Men Who Hate Women Love Limited Government.”…
Towards a New Nerd Culture
Note: In honor of the 28th of August being one year anniversary of the “Gamers Are Dead” fiasco, I present this new piece which focuses on the “nerd” subculture. It contains some very brief allusions to the HBB’s ongoing legal issues with CalgaryExpo and if this is a sensitive matter I shall remove any commentary about it from my post.…
Reddit Repost: She-Thor and the “Ms. Male Character” Paradox
Anita Sarkeesian, in her “Tropes vs. Women” series, argued that the practice of creating “Ms. Male Characters” (i.e. gender-flipping a male character into a female character) was sexist. In this, Sarkeesian actually was right; a “Ms.…
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