AuthorReader Submission

Honey Badger Brigade publishes select reader submissions which are in line with our submissions policy. Publication does not constitute endorsement of the statements contained in published posts. Intellectual debate is greatly encouraged. Submissions may be sent to Avatar art by Daniel Vancise, dvancise_arts on instagram, vantooner on youtube

An Afghanistan veteran’s thoughts on the draft


The genesis of this piece was to reach out to the Honey Badgers with some of my thoughts on women in “Combat Arms” Military Occupational Specialties (MOS) and the draft.  While inspired by the /pol/ cast 01 episode, I wasn’t so much responding to any specific argument but wanted to share my perspective as a former Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) and a veteran of the Afghan war.  …

Excused from the Jury


Today, I went to a local district court in response to a summons for jury duty. This was my first summons. The timing was inconvenient, of course. I got the usual round of jokes from coworkers about gently nudging the truth to get out of it. Honestly, though, I was and am okay with the idea of civic duty, and serving on a jury.…

Richard Dawkins de-platformed for sharing wrongthink


By Shachar Haad Last Wednesday (27 January), Richard Dawkins, an English ethologist, evolutionary biologist, and writer, retweeted a satirical video that made parallels between the Feminist Movement and the Islamic culture. As a result, Dawkins was uninvited from speaking at the Northeast Conference on Science and Skepticism, as the event planners believed the video was in made in poor taste and...

Ten commandments Swedish feminists want all men to read


Greetings Badgers, I discovered your show a few months back and I love you guys and have been listening almost non stop for said months now. You guys have brought me joy, anger and frustration, and Alison’s passionate speeches have moved me to tears, at my workplace where I weld, suffer high risks of death from explosions, poisoning, crushing, falling, burning, impalement, and where I flip...

Feminist Religion


by Theryn Meyer
Epistemology is the study of how we come to know what we know, especially with regards to its limits and validity. Throughout history there have been two leading, often competing and conflicting, epistemologies – science (based on the scientific method) and religion (based on faith).…

In defense of straight men, from the perspective of an introverted fag.


By Tomás Allende Conte
I realized I was gay twice. The first time around the age of 10. To put this in context, we are talking about Chile in 2001. Homosexuality had been legal for only 3 years, and it wasn’t very widely accepted. I told my parents who, understandably, proceeded to convince me it was a phase, and since the lie was easier to believe, I complied.…

TPP, CISA, Cryptography, and the Future of The Web


Hello again Badgers. I contacted you before explaining how thanks to the work of clever math and crypto nerds, true censorship on the web has been made essentially impossible. To recap, the Tor anonymity network (and the Tor browser) can be made to look indistinguishable from any other encrypted channel on the net, and large corporate interests are too dependent on good crypto to let it be...

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