AuthorReader Submission

Honey Badger Brigade publishes select reader submissions which are in line with our submissions policy. Publication does not constitute endorsement of the statements contained in published posts. Intellectual debate is greatly encouraged. Submissions may be sent to Avatar art by Daniel Vancise, dvancise_arts on instagram, vantooner on youtube

The wage gap myth, smashed


by Empress
with comparison data from 
The wage gap does not exist in the way feminists interpret as; there are crucial factors that must be accounted for (i.e career/field of choice and sick days) and one of the factors fortunately is NOT sexism.…

Suffolk County Police Department Side-Stepping Sexist Norms Regarding Treatment of Domestic Violence


by Siobhan H Men and those in LGBT relationships suffering abuse in Suffolk County, New York may have a better chance at getting the help they need thanks to the Domestic Violence Bureau headed by Sergeant Kelly Lynch at the SCPD. I held a short interview over the phone with Sergeant Lynch to see how those at Suffolk County Police Department handled domestic violence cases, both as first...

Privilege and Prejudice: Social Justice in an age of Shame Immunization.


By Robert Crayle I recently read an article by a blogger named Loki the Scottish Rapper called “PRIVILEGE AND PREJUDICE: SOCIAL JUSTICE IN AN AGE OF MALE CONFUSION.” I thought I would pick out a few snippets from this blog. Quotes from the article are in speech marks: “If we don’t initiate our young men into the tribe they will come back and burn the village down – or so the...

Different Names, Same Pain


Every day, I wake up Every day, I hear the same two words uttered in different ways   Every man All men   What follows next is not always the same But in the end they have the same hurtful meaning   Simple-minded Sex-crazed   And when someone utters the words not all, they get called different names with the same pain intended   Misogynist Anti-feminist   Every day I...

The Spectre of feminism


by Alex Thorne
I’ll begin this piece by clumsily using the first line from Karl Marx and Freidrich Engels’ Communist Manifesto: ‘There is a spectre haunting Europe; The spectre of Communism’ [1]. For the purpose of today’s idea, I’d like you to replace the word ‘Communism’ with ‘Feminism’.…

Letter to the badgers; on feminism and Quebec


Hello Badgers! (please call me Bob, I’m still closeted)
I wanted to come back to one of your guests in the show of January 29th, a young Quebecois man that seemed a bit in over his head facing off with Karen. Many of the things he said reflect my own impressions of the local situation of the SJW mentality, and I felt his points deserved to be clarified and expanded.…

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