AuthorRachel Edwards

Dear Feminism


Dear Feminism,
There was a time that I believed we were friends. We bonded over our ideals, and for the longest time I believed you had my back. You told me that you supported all women and that, most importantly, you supported equality for both sexes.…

An Open Letter to Emma Watson


Dear Emma Watson,
I was not raised a celebrity. I can say that my life has been very different from yours. I am a woman living in America. I have not attended a fine university like Brown, as you did. I have known abuse, I have been molested. I have known hardship and depression.…

The basement-dwelling, fedora-wearing neckbeards


You’ve likely heard this pejorative before or in some variation. This is an insult mostly formed online to shame people with differing opinions and is most often seen in ad hominem attacks. But what does it mean, and why should you care? This particular set of insults is used to describe a certain set of men who are socially awkward, live with their mothers, and are somewhat detached from...

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