AuthorObserving Libertarian

I am a Humanist small L libertarian Minarchist. In that order - As a result of this philosophy: I cannot in good conscience condone the actions of any group, movement or organization which seeks to oppress another individuals human rights. By education I have an Associates of Occupational Studies in Gunsmithing, and am qualified to testify in Open Court on the State's behalf as a Firearms expert. I am also an NRA Certified Firearm Instructor. I am currently in the Process of writing two books on Philosophy, and have only recently joined the MHRM.

Feminist Blind Eyes In India


In India, a report by the Federation of Eunuchs stated that every year between 20,000 and 25,000 men and boys are captured, kidnapped, or sold by their parents—and forcibly castrated (no genitalia left at all). Most are then forced into slavery: working as beggars or prostitutes for local organized crime rings.…

Deprogramming women’s hatred of men


There was a process I went through with several of my female partners and friends. Simply because they were saying things around me that either had to stop or I would completely walk away from them. Also, I knew that they were going to have problems with men for the rest of their lives unless I actively attempted to help them understand something: that they hated men.…

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