
Once a member of the Honey Badgers, he left due to real life issues going on that required more of his focus. He is doing all that he can to make a career out of writing, but still is in the movement to give voice to men that so rarely get their voice heard. On YouTube, he is known as the Angry Egalitarian. He's an easy going guy who loves deep analytical thought, enjoys gaming, and being goofy.

Triggered by Red vs Blue


If there is one thing to know about me, is that I am a big Red vs Blue fan. I have probably watched most episodes 3 or 4 times, and some up to 6 times. I bring this up, because of a PSA video RoosterTeeth recently uploaded, dealing with the topic of trigger warnings.…

Manspreading In All the Wrong Places


So Manspreading has been in the news recently. Two men in New York were arrested for spreading their legs on a subway. It sounds stupid when you say it out loud, yet, it is true. Before we discuss what happened to these men, we need to understand what is manspreading and the controversy behind it.…

Diffusion of Responsibility


In April, I participated in the A to Z challenge for my blog. This was my second year and likely my last year doing this. What I did for the challenge was introduce terms that should be taught as literary terms for a new age. To write about life, we need to understand life.…

Feminists Not to the Rescue


Many of those outside the Men’s Human Rights Movement see us as anti-woman. That our distrust of feminism and our need to argue against it stems from our desire for things to return back to how society once was.
You spend time listening to the Honey Badgers, you would know that this perception has no foundation in reality.…

Which country is the most Egalitarian of All?


In my first article, I introduced the Global Gender Gap. The Global Gender Gap is meant to represent how balanced a society is. Based on how it measured a variety of variables, I concluded that it measure Women’s Status in a society. It was quick to ignore any advancement women had and any instances of men being dominated by women.…

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