Mattress Girl returns! Urban Dictionary! Wonder Woman! All this and more on this week’s Polecat Cast!
Show Notes:
Urban Warfare By Mike J.
Founded in 1999, the website Urban Dictionary has served as little more than a fun way to waste. The site allows users to add and define words or phrases, some of which more contemporary dictionaries wouldn’t dare touch.…
Talking About the Red Pill with Feminist Brittany Simon – Fireside Chat 60
Join us on the Fireside Chat as we discuss The Red Pill documentary with feminist YouTuber Brittany Simon.
Simon’s Channel:
Original video review:
Check out this episode!…
Responding to Laci Green – Rantzerker Special
Join Karen and Alison on a special stream as we respond to Laci Green’s newest video:
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Don’t Donate to the Duluth Model – Pussycat Cast 11
Join us on the Pussycat Cast with Karen as we discuss the Duluth Model and why donating to or supporting organizations that use it is actually causing more harm than good.
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Muslims Don’t Kill People, Men Kill People – Rantzerker 84
Join us on Rantzerker with Karen, Alison & Prim Reaper as we discuss an article about men’s entitlement to suicide!
Tune in @ 5pm Eastern!…
Manchester Bombed, Women Most Affected – Polecat Cast 114
Ariana Grande! Pamela Anderson! Chris Cornell! Celebrity news or nah?
Good Day, Sir! You Look Like Somebody Who Likes Degrading Minorities
By Max Derrat
For those of you who are fans of the Simpsons? remember that one episode where Homer was trying to sell a sexual performance enhancer inside a mall?…
Aydin Paladin – Fireside Chat 59
Join us on the Fireside Chat as we talk to YouTuber and Kekistani Aydin Paladin!
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Dick & Cherry’s Show 4: Psilocybin – Leggo My Ego(TM)
Discussing what are ‘shrooms — psilocybin and amanita muscaria, the difference between them, and how it affects PTSD/psychosis
Hosts: Richard Rall, Anna Cherry, and DR RandomerCam
RESOURCES Finding the self by losing the self: Neural correlates of ego-dissolution under psilocybin ;
Red Pill Protests in Sydney – Rantzerker 83
Join us on the Rantzerker as we go through a protest video taking place at the Sydney screening of The Red Pill.
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Miss USA the Terrible Terrible Equalist – Polecat Cast 113
Miss USA! Marvel cancels BLM book! Tanzanian Gem Mining? All this and more on the Polecat Cast!
Show notes:
A Woman Gets Yelled At For Saying She’s an Equalist? for the 129th Time Polecat Cast ? May 16th, 2017
Dear Honey Badgers?…
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