How much abuse do men get in relationships with women that never gets labeled as abuse because it is standard data, just so normal that it is merely background noise that no one notices or names?
Dr. Tara Palmatier posted an article a little over a year ago that I posted to the Men’s Rights subreddit.…
On women’s natural insight: A misogynist trope
In a prior Genderratic post– Male privilege:Why do women assume they know about men or men’s lives?–we discussed the cultural trope that women understand men better than men understand women, that women know men’s lives, sometimes better than men do, and can comment knowledgeably on them in a way that men cannot comment on women’s lives.…
Symantec steps on their wing-wang at last
Well, lookee here.
Remember when Symantec—that Internet Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, that over-reaching, intrusive, “who will think of the children!!” Moral Guardian of the Universe—decided either on their own or at the prompting of radfem elements to block access to MRA and other gender blogs as porn sites?…
Male privilege—Why do women assume they know about men or men’s lives?
Longtime GendErratic commenter Eagle35 posted the text of a Reddit exchange he had with a feminist as a comment. (He prefers to not link to the actual exchange.)
The feminist in the exchange exhibits a behavior that is a recurring problem in the discussion of gender: the assumption that women fully understand men and our lives and can make meaningful comparisons.…
Please discuss, with examples and analysis
John Markley on 2014-08-21 at 9:59 pm said: Edit
“The average feminist’s entire construct of the concept of “men” is built of a foundation of the very gender stereotypes which they claim to be fighting.”
Patriarchal feminism indeed.…
Male Privilege – Why do women assume they know about men or men’s lives?
Commenter Eagle 35 posted the text of a Reddit exchange he had with a feminist as a comment. (He prefers not to link to the actual exchange.)
The feminist in the exchange exhibits a behavior that is a recurring problem in the discussion of gender, the assumption that women fully understand men and our lives and can make meaningful comparisons.…
DISCUSSION – Gendering Class, Part IV – “Ladylike” and policing femininity
It’s been a while since we have look at the gendering of class. Something that occurred to me recently was how in many stories women had of being gender-policed as girls that policing was framed in terms of “ladylike” behavior. Were you prevented form climbing trees or wearing certain types clothing of clothing because they weren’t ladylike, or did you hear girls who did...
IT’S SHIT LIKE THIS FEMINISTS: What bell hooks got right and what got right past her
We have commenter log to thank for this post. Thank you, log.
For discussion:
I picked up a copy of bell hooks’ Feminist Theory since I’ve seen her name come up repeatedly. I’m only about halfway through, but I feel like I’ve seen what I needed to see.…
SLY INVERSIONS – “Snatching oppression from the jaws of privilege”
There is a very common sly inversion that interprets every benefit society confers on women as some form or other of oppression. I think what drives it is a gender script that casts women as fragile victims so that people who subscribe to that meme think that failing to identify this victimhood defeminizes a woman somehow.…
IT’S SHIT LIKE THIS, FEMINISTS – The shit men face trying to talk with feminists….Part II
This is one of those “can you tell the difference”? posts. Look at the rationalization hamstering, distortions and refusal to acknowledge plain facts all in the service of an dearly held belief system and tell me if you can tell the difference between the feminist that commenter Eagle was trying to have an honest, intelligent conversation with, and just about any Creationist or White...
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