AuthorJim Doyle

Is this the best they can do?


Gentlemen’s Quarterly (GQ) finally got around to publishing an article on the Men’s Conference A Voice for Men organized and hosted last year. Better late than never, I guess, although you would expect a men’s magazine to be a little more active when it comes to men’s issues.…

Submissive behaviors, being “taken seriously” and wanting to have it both ways


One of the most puzzling and annoying things about our gender system is the paradoxical way femininity is constructed as both deserving of special protection from society (read men)  as if they were children and yet simultaneously so morally superior to masculinity that it entitles women to judge men on their performance of masculinity and their manners and behavior in general. …

The “fragile male ego”, a sly inversion


I ran across a post in the men’s rights subreddit that is emblematic of a very common sly inversion: the assertion that women have to coddle men’s fragile egos. This was by way of saying how very weary this writer was of having to explain all this over and over again to bone-stupid men (the trite, old, worn-out Frazzled Adult “Because I’m the Mommy, That’s Why...

Rape apology—A taxonomy


Feminist rape apology when it comes to male victims of rape, and especially victims of female perpetrators, comes in various forms.
And by the way, feminists are not at all alone in employing these forms when they make their rape apologist statements or lapse into their rape apologist silence in the face of rape apology from other feminists.…

This is what sexual entitlement looks like: White men, Asian women, and the white women who hate them


In a post from a long time ago, unrelated to the actual topic of the post, a very interesting discussion of sexual ownership developed. (This is why I cherish thread drift, by the way.) The issue was the way white women treat—judging, sneering, accusing—white men who are in romantic relationships with non-white women, especially Asian* women.…

Femininities—Toxic femininity


The dose makes the poison.
One of the very useful memes that has come out of the gender discourse in the last few years is a discussion of “toxic masculinity,” or the traditional masculinity that teaches little boys to make themselves disposable for the sake of women (I know what the inventors of the term meant, and even though they didn’t mean that, that’s what they meant .…

Empathy apartheid – Deflections and dismissals


This post appeared previously at Genderratic when it was an independent blog, and sections of it contain direct quotations from commenters on that post: TDOM, cicero, Adiabat, and dungone. Empathy apartheid takes maintenance. If it isn’t maintained and policed, people’s basic humanity will lead them to show empathy for the people their society has deemed undeserving of it and the system will...

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