AuthorBadger Mail

Etymology again


Hi Alison and Mike
It was very amusing to watch: The Ragening 19: Heel Thyself
But I still want to point out the etymology again just for fun *S*:
Adam does not mean “the (were)man”. Eve is not “the woman”. But
is it rather up your alley: Adam simply means *the red handsome earth being* or “human” or “humankind”.…

Conspicuous silence


Hi again badgers! Belthazor3457 again, remember me? I made a video talking about life at private religious schools recently and observed an interesting reaction in regard to feminists. The video was posted on the atheism reddit and a couple other subreddits, but despite presenting a clear issue that effected women (and men) in the video in regard to enforcement of gender roles, a couple...

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