AuthorAlison Tieman

The misogyny that dare not speak its name


Raw Story recently wrote an article attributing statements made by members of the Reddit community “The Red Pill” to men’s rights activists. Although these statements were not made by self-identified men’s rights activists, they were also not very controversial—amounting to tips to avoid being crime victims–unless viewed through the feminist lens that women can’t consent to sex while drunk...

Feminists Say the Darndest Things


Part One: The misogyny that dare not speak its name
In part one I described how it wasn’t defending men and boys against feminist double standards that got me banned from Raw Story, but defending women and girls from feminist misogyny.
Here I’ve compiled a series of additional exchanges with feminists that no doubt contributed to me being banned for speaking blasphemy.…

The misogyny that dare not speak its name


Raw Story recently wrote an article attributing statements made by members of the Reddit community “The Red Pill” to men’s rights activists. Although these statements were not made by self-identified men’s rights activists, they were also not very controversial—amounting to tips to avoid being crime victims–unless viewed through the feminist lens that women can’t consent to sex while drunk...

It’s Shit Like this: Feminist Professor Mercier, did you argue that child sexual abuse isn’t real?


In a letter to the editor dated March 31, published in the Queens University Paper, Andrew Howard argues that men should not create their own spaces to address their issues outside of feminist oversight, I replied with an extensive list of statistics that feminists choose to ignore when creating their campaigns that present men as more likely to be rapists than rape victims.…

Honey Badger Radio: Mary Koss and the American Rape Machine


Mary Koss is the feminist researcher behind the factoid that one in four women will be raped in her lifetime. In Mary Koss’s original survey only one in sixteen women said “yes” to “have you been raped?” ​So how did she get her one in four number? By asking women “have you ever been physically forced to have sex or have had sex under the influence of drugs or alcohol” and disregarding if...

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