AuthorAlison Tieman

Seduction, Harassment and Rape


I’ve been thinking quite a bit about the differences between seduction, harassment and rape and how to articulate them clearly.
I think I’ve figured out a potential explanation based on the idea of the legitimacy of consent.
A seducer accepts their partner’s state of non-consent as legitimate, but attempts to entice them to change it.…

How To Stop Rape


Author’s note: Subsequent to a controversy regarding the final footnote, I added a word. I now realize that the passage can still be misconstrued. Further I believe that the controversy surrounding the last paragraph of this article is an exercise in controlling speech.…

So I Lied…


I took a gander at Manboobz’ article on “apexuality” and confirmed to myself that doing so was exactly as pointless as I thought it would be.
He essentially restates my argument and calls it “loopy”.
But here’s the thing.…

Correcting a Misunderstanding About Apexuality


I don’t go to Manboobz’s blog so I’m clearing this up for the sake of the people who read and comment on this blog. Also there’s no real point in posting this there since all it will do is inspire an endless round of “well what you really meant was [insert misrepresentation]” followed by “no, in fact if you read the actual quote, the immediate subject...

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