AuthorAlison Tieman

Egard Watches will be attending ICMI 2019!


In January 2019 Gillette created an advertisement that asked men “is this the best you can be?” Gillette’s ad called out men’s vile “toxic masculinity” in the form of… men speaking to women on the street, approaching women at a party, finding women attractive and boys engaging in horseplay.…

How men’s issues show men’s strength | Negative Sum Game 2


Campaign against living miserably’s or CALM is a feminist founded and run charity that deals with men’s mental health. CALM’s chief executive Jane Powell said: “So often their own worst enemies, men need new rules for survival. Outmoded, incorrect and misplaced male self-beliefs are proving lethal and the traditional strong, silent response to adversity is increasingly failing to...

Youtube’s first sandboxed video; white women get out! – Polecat News 124


Join us on this week’s polecat news show as we cover a child punished for not getting someone’s pronouns right, youtube’s first sanboxed video, and how white women are now out of the progressive stack. Join us on this week’s polecat news show as we cover a child punished for not getting someone’s pronouns right, youtube’s first sanboxed video, and how white...

I’m a guy and I need feminism


 Editorial note: I Substituted “female victimhood” for misogyny and “male victimhood” for misandry to make the subtext more clear. My notations either tagged or in brackets. Responding to:
I’m a guy and I need female victimhood. Not male victimhood. Female victimhood.…

Honey Badger Radio’s Upcoming Shows!


Rantzerker 33: All the men hate the wimmins
Join Karen, Alison and TL;DR as they take on this… holy fucking fuck balls. THIS. The rage cannot be contained folks.
Special Guest: @TheRealTealDeer
Date: January 18th, 2016
Time: 2 PM Eastern
Responding to:  The Big Questions: Does Social Media reveal our desire to malign men?…

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