Show Summary (by Rachel Edwards)
Last month, feminists sent a message to men and men’s rights activists at the University of Ottawa and Queen’s University. They did everything in their power to shut down the lectures of Dr. Janice Fiamengo. At the University of Ottawa, students were chanting, blowing horns. and beating on desks. This culminated in the pulling of a fire alarm, and a shutdown of the talk when they failed to calm protesters in the room.
Though the lecture at Queen’s University succeeded, campus feminists had gone to great lengths to try to shut it down as well. They attempted to de-ratify the campus men’s issues club, and prevent them from booking the space. When this failed, they did all they could to frame the lecture as hate speech.
The message that they’ve sent us is disturbing. To them, certain ideas are dangerous. They are only interested in freedom of speech as long as your ideas match theirs.
In the minds of these campus feminists, men don’t deserve a safe space. Your safe space is in feminism and can only be within feminism. You can only speak in their space, using their language, and their rules.
This is the current state of college campuses. They are echo-chambers where conformity is encouraged and differing opinions are squashed before they can even be shared. This is what feminism looks like.
Github Controversy (by Hannah Wallen)
In March, a lengthy controversy came to a close for GitHub, a web-based hosting service for software development projects. The company is embroiled in what appears to be a free-for-all accusation match.
Julie Ann Horvath accused another employee of sexually harassing her by treating her differently after she refused his alleged advances. She accused co-founder Tom Preston-Werner and his wife of bullying her into leaving the company. As a result of her accusations, GitHub launched an independent, third-party investigation, which found no evidence of gender-based discrimination, harassment, retaliation, or abuse.
Other employees accused Horvath of tailoring her description of events to suit her bullying narrative, stating that she is quote taking advantage of people’s trust in her in order to craft a message for which she wants to be the symbol end quote. Their side of the story is explained in a post on
Among the points of contention: Horvath dated the employe she has accused of harassing her. Her conflict with the Preston-Werners began, according to the post, when Hovarth started dating one of Mrs. Preston-Werner’s close male friends. She allegedly demanded that her new boyfriend end his friendship with Mrs. Preston-Werner, and when they failed to comply, began spreading vicious rumors about the two of them among other employees.
Preston-Werner has resigned, despite being exonerated in the investigation.
According to a statement blogged by Mrs. Preston-Werner, her husband’s resignation was a result of conflicts of interest involving her nonprofit charity, as there are rumors that employees of GitHub felt pressured to do pro-bono work for her. The Preston-Werners have denied Horvath’s accusations, stating:
The results of GitHub’s independent investigation unequivocally confirm this and we are prepared to fight any further false claims on this matter to the full extent of the law.
Julie Ann Horvath has continued to fire off tweets related to the conflict, clearly dissatisfied with the results of the investigation. When asked by another twitterer what she wants, she replied:
An objective investigation, removing all abusers from GitHub, and a public apology, end quote.
News Links
Results of the Github Investigation
Github Paying the Price for Hiring Cunts
- Badger Pod Nerd Cast 5: Hannah vs. The Bear - July 22, 2014
- Honey Badger Radio: Men’s issues conference–An orgy of misogyny! - July 10, 2014
- Honey Badger Radio: Elliot Rodger, the new face of the men’s rights movement? - May 29, 2014