Sargon vs. The BBC: The Deadly Nature of Anti-Rape Threats | Rantzerker 115


Join us on the Rantzerker as we watch and discuss Carl Benjamin’s latest appearance on the BBC with dirty dirty smear merchant Victoria Derbyshire as they discuss his non-rape threats and the ways in which media incites violence. Tune in @8pm Eastern!

0:02:15 – 0:03:51 — The Fake News Bingo Card
0:04:23 – 0:06:13 — Not Enough Beer In The World
0:13:26 – 0:17:41 — 4Chan, Arbiter Of Newspeak
0:22:21 – 0:25:14 — Pickled Rape Victims
0:31:51 – 0:34:33 — Who Gets To Talk About Rape?
0:42:52 – 0:45:49 — How To Keep Women Weak
0:57:01 – 0:58:07 — You Don’t Get To Speak For Victims Of Rape
1:07:32 – 1:09:39 — Jokes About Rape As Therapy For Society
1:10:57 – 1:11:54 — Karen Tells a ********* Joke
1:13:34 – 1:15:48 — The Difference Between Telling A Joke And Being A Dirty Dirty Smear Merchant
1:43:51 – 1:46:29 — Gather Round Children, Karen Is Going To Tell Us About Women And The Vote
1:50:53 – 1:56:03 — You Can’t Make Jokes About Rape, But ‘Ya Know Who You can Mock?
1:59:30 – 2:01:58 — Sargon Is Soooooooooo Dreamy, Rogan… Not So Much


Brian Martinez
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About the author

Brian Martinez

Part time student, part time concierge and full time illustrator all wrapped up in one creative package. Looking for opportunities to use my aptitudes, talents and competence to serve a worthy company, or start my own. Dude. Roots in Chicago. Thinker and go-getter.

By Brian Martinez

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