“When did you wake up?” Selected Episode: Dr. Edward Rhymes


For years, my friend Erin Pizzey and I ran a radio show together. First it was called “Revelations with Erin Pizzey” and later it became “When Did You Wake Up?” Ultimately the show format was the same: when did you notice something was deeply wrong about what we were told about women men and violence, and what do we do about it now?

The HBB have asked me to supply select episodes of the show to expose them to a new audience. Here’s one of my favorite shows, with Dr. Edward Rhymes, whose amazing essay I Remember Mama on A Voice for Men drew him to our attention. We had an amazing time listening to his story, and you might too:

Is the sound on these episodes all we would want? No. And it doesn’t matter. What matters is that people hear the message.

Listening to how as a child Dr. Rhymes realized he didn’t have to internalize his mother’s abusive behavior is both heartbreaking and inspiring. Because he helps to prove that we don’t have to repeat the abuse we suffered.

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About the author

Dean Esmay

A strange sort of pseudo-celebrity. Also a tasty floor wax!

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By Dean Esmay

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