ArchiveJune 2023

ComicsGate, Isom, and the Importance of Stories With Eric July of the Rippaverse | Fireside Chat 224


Join us on the Fireside Chat as we speak with special guest Eric July. Eric is well known in the comic book and culture war sphere as a commentator on cultural issues like comic books, film and music. He is himself a musician, writer and entrepreneur with his own comic book universe called the Rippaverse and his launch comic Isom has raised over a million dollars from story hungry supporters who...

Amazon Shuts Down Louis Rossman’, Submarine Implodes, Woman Kills Her Uber Driver | HBR News 411


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we talk about the “right to repair” guy Louis Rossman who’s Amazon account was cancelled because he covered the story of the man who was locked out of his home for “racism”, the Titan Submarine implodes and the hot takes came out, a woman murdered her Uber driver because she feared he...

Amazon Shuts Down Smart Home, the UN is Pure Evil, DHS to Assign “Risk Scores” | HBR News 410


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we talk about the smart home that Amazon shut down over “racist language”, the UN Secretary General proposes a “global Digital Compact” to push laws against “hate”, the Department of Homeland Security is sought to assign “risk scores” to social media accounts, and more...

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