ArchiveJune 2021

Aggressively woke: feminist-approved “toxic masculinity” | HBR Talk 183


This week, HBR Talk is going to discuss how “One good man” feminists end up rationalizing their own abusive aggression toward men and toward questioners of their faith as “good” aggression. You can tune in to the youtube livestream, or find other viewing and listening options for that time or later, on…

Bringing Back Our Fathers With Dereck Reynolds of | Fireside Chat 181


Join us on the Fireside Chat with special guest Dereck Reynolds, founder of the pro-fatherhood organization Hug-A-Dad is a non-profit organization with a focus on helping new fathers who want to be involved with the lives of their children get the most out of fatherhood while also preparing them for the challenges that fatherhood introduces to a young new dad’s life.…

Julie Bindel Tells Us How British Feminism is Doing Feminism the Bestest | HBR Debate 55


Join us on HBR Debate as we go through a calm-versation between Benjamin Boyce and feminist Julie Bindel. Julie Bindel is an author and second wave feminist who is well known around the world for her work. She tells us that her narrative of men oppressing women under patriarchy is somehow unique from other feminisms and their narrative of men oppressing women under patriarchy.…

How ABC Helped Destroy Craig McLachlan, Male Teachers Wear Skirts in Spain | HBR News 309


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we discuss the resignation of BLM founder Patrice Cullors, how the Australian Broadcasting Company coerced accusations to ruin the life of actor Craig McLachlan, male feminist teachers in Spain wear skirts to promote feminism, a Virginia teacher is put on leave for refusing to use preferred pronouns, and more...

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