Join us on the Badger Lodge as we discuss the path forward. It is this time of dominant chaos and tyranny it might be a good idea to find how we can prepare our minds and bodies for what’s coming. On the plus side, times like this create infinite opportunities to build something new, improve on what’s there and make a positive change.…
A look at feminist research on masculinities and covid-19 | HBR Talk 167
This week, Deborah Powney joins HBR Talk as we examine exactly that report, published by Promundo Global and Durham University. You can tune in Thursday at 7:30PM Eastern, or find other viewing and listening options for that time or later, on…
The Biden Administration Ends Sexism With Lauren Brooks and Brian Martinez | Week in Men’s Rights
Join us on a show as we look at the proposed policy changes and executive orders put forth by the new Biden/Harris administration regarding women’s issues. Will they solve sexism and make feminism obsolete? Find out tonight @6:30 pm Eastern!…
AOC Doubles Down on Victimhood, China “Man’s Up”, Andrew O’Keefe Charged With Assault | HBR News 293
Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we are talking about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez doubling down on her claims of a near death experience on January 6th and the fallout of those claims, Australian show host Andrew O’Keefe is accused of assault, Biden sends troops to the middle east, but they look fabulous so it’s OK, and more!…
Is There a Relationship Between Men’s Rights and Religion? Arran Thompson Guests | Fireside Chat 169
Join us on the Fireside Chat with guest Arran Thompson as we discuss the proposed link between men’s rights and men’s activism and religion. Are we leaving something out of the discussion on men’s issues? Join us for a chat! Tune in @5pm Eastern!…
When mean girls attack – handling relational aggression | HBR Talk 166
This week on HBR Talk, we’ll be discussing with Prim Reaper ways of handling this type of abuse as a target, or as a friend helping a target through his ordeal. You can tune in Thursday at 7:30PM Eastern, or find other viewing and listening options for that time or later, on…
Network Enabled Anarchy with TL;DR | Rantzerker 134
Join us on the Rantzerker with TL;DR as we look at a study that discusses Network enabled Anarchy before we are all purged! Tune in @3:00pm Eastern!
by …
AOC Nearly Died, BLM Nominated For Nobel Mostly Peaceful Prize | HBR News 292
Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we are talking about the recent nomination of Black Lives Matter for a Nobel peace prize, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez accuses Senator Ted Cruz of attempted murder, Kiera Knightly wants society to stop praising men for being fathers, and more!…
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