Leaving the SJW Cult With Keri Smith | Fireside Chat 166


Join us on the Fireside Chat with Keri Smith. Keri Smith is the founder of Civility Dinners and the co-founder and co-host of the Deprogrammed and Daily Covfefe podcasts at Unsafe Space. A self-described “former SJW,” Smith is best known for her work in addressing her old belief system through writing and lectures. Her essays on leaving her former ideology have been shared by Jordan Peterson, Stephen Hicks and Sargon of Akkad and praised by Joe Rogan. Her writing has been featured at Fee.org and in The Dissenters Project, a collection of essays on the price of dissent in our current culture. Tune in @11am Eastern!

Brian Martinez
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Brian Martinez

Part time student, part time concierge and full time illustrator all wrapped up in one creative package. Looking for opportunities to use my aptitudes, talents and competence to serve a worthy company, or start my own. Dude. Roots in Chicago. Thinker and go-getter.

By Brian Martinez

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