ArchiveJanuary 2021

Why Feminist Architecture is the Most Pressing Thing Today | Brian & Lindsey React


Join us on today’s show as we react to a TEDx video presentation from intersectional feminist architect Afaina de Jong. With her studio AFARAI (2005), she aims to cross the boundaries of the traditional architecture practice by dealing with the existing city with an intersectional and interdisciplinary approach, integrating theory and research with design.…

Chicago’s Women Only Transit Proposal, the Church of Woke Censors EVERYONE | HBR News 290


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we are talking about an unofficial proposal to adopt women only transit in Chicago, the latest Project Veritas leaks regarding Twitter and PBS, AOC calls for the reigning in of “misinformation” from “far right” sources, the girl who turned in her parents for sedition, and more!…

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