ArchiveDecember 2020

COVID Mutates, Female Leaders More Likely To Wage War, THOT Mom Ruins X-Mas | HBR News 287


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we talk about the supposed mutation of COVID-19 and what that might mean, why female leaders are more likely to wage wars, a study finds that women overestimate men’s attraction to skinny supermodels, Amber Heard is getting paid to talk about domestic violence(not as a perpetrator), and more!…

Toys For Tots Cancelled, Man Arrested For Researching Incels | HBR News 286


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we talk about gender bias in Wikipedia, Leftist activists get Toys for Tots drive taken down because The Proud Boys had the audacity to put it on, a man was put on trial for researching mass killings supposedly linked to Incels, Joe Biden’s picks for his staff have a curious number of big tech executives on...

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