ArchiveNovember 2020

Johnny Depp FIRED! Statue of Mary Wollstonecreaft Erected! Election Shenanigans! | HBR News 281


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we talk about Johnny Depp having to step down from his role in Warner Bros Fantastic Beasts franchise because he’s a “wife-beater”, shenanigans ensue all over the USA as Joe Biden is declared the President Elect before the counts are in and more!…

Is There Room for Masculinity in a Global Government? | Brian’s Badger Lodge


Join us on Brian’s Badger Lodge as we discuss globalism. As our world seems to shrink more and more, the idea of a one-world government manifests itself. It doesn’t matter what we feel about this, it looks as if very powerful and unaccountable interests have every intention of making a globalist government a reality, using the COVID-19 crisis, climate change or any number of other...

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