Speaking Frankly With Sheriff David Clarke On Black Lives Matter, Kenosha, Riots | Fireside Chat 157


Join us on the Fireside Chat as I speak with very special guest Sheriff David Clarke! Sheriff Clarke has over 35 years experience as a member of Wisconsin’s police force, having been elected Sheriff since 2002 and winning re-elections in 2006, 2010 and 2014 before vacating the position. We will discuss the importance of fathers, the chaos in Kenosha, the Black Lives Matter movement, AntiFa and more! Tune in @12pm Eastern to find out what he thinks!

Where you can find Sheriff Clarke:

Brian Martinez
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About the author

Brian Martinez

Part time student, part time concierge and full time illustrator all wrapped up in one creative package. Looking for opportunities to use my aptitudes, talents and competence to serve a worthy company, or start my own. Dude. Roots in Chicago. Thinker and go-getter.

By Brian Martinez

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