ArchiveMarch 2020

Joe Biden Get’s #MeToo’d, Beer Bug Catastrophic For The Media | HBR News 249


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we look at the salt that poured from Jeremy Renner’s ex wife because she isn’t getting enough of his millions. Also Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden has been accused of sexual assault, the stimulous checks being sent out are not going to be going to men who are unable to pay child support, and...

#NotYourBoogeyman | HBR Talk 126


Join HBR Talk as we lay down another very important boundary: No, feminists, we do not consent to being your boogeyman, and we do not consent to being the catch-all label for men you hate and fear. Once again, who we are is not your call! Tune in at 7:30PM EST, 12:30AM GMT

Opening monologue transcript…

Talking With Political Introvert and “Bernie Bro” Arthur Lieber | Fireside Chat 145


Join us on the Fireside Chat as we talk with former Congressional Candidate, Educator and political introvert Arthur Lieber as we discuss education reform, empathy, and what a politiucal introvert is. Tune in @4pm Eastern!

Where to find Arthur:

Political Introverts: How Empathetic Voters Can Help Save American Politics…

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