Join us on the Week In Men’s Rights show as we look at a new BBC documentary that examines the Incel “phenomenon”, and what happened with one of the many interviews that never made it into the final cut with Natty and more! Tune in @5:30pm Eastern!
1:05 – 1:18 —- Intro
2:25 – 3:21 —- BBC’s Incels
5:14 – 6:11 —- The asperger’s guy
6:33 – 9:26 —- The northern Irish guy and the Catfish man
11:24 – 11:38 —- Richard’s interview
23:29 – 25:17 —- Interview outtake
44:15 – 46:54 —- Elliot Rogers and the couple
50:40 – 52:34 —- “Black pilled” Richard
BBC Documentary: