Join us on the Fireside Chat as I speak with Netscape, an author and #GamerGate supporter who has an upcoming book on the entire controversy that was #GamerGate and how it relates to the current state of clownworld. Tune in @4pm Eastern!
1:17 – 1:57 —- Intro to Kevin McDonald
2:17 – 2:58 —- Why this book?
4:13 – 6:00 —- GamerGate footnote
6:47 – 7:39 —- GamerGate Catalyst (part 1)
9:02 – 9:38 —- GamerGate Catalyst (part 2)
30:47 – 33:42 —- Art and prosperity
35:06 – 35:57 —- GG: the symptom of a larger problem
49:28 – 52:10 —- Understanding the other side