Join us on the Rantzerker as we engage in Feminist Podcast Bingo! This week’s podcast? Jessica Valenti’s “What Would a Feminist Do?” episode entitled “Saying the F-Word”. Join us @7pm Eastern!
1:04 – 1:09 —- Intro
3:55 – 4:06 —- Saying the other “F” word
16:04 – 16:27 —- Penises rule the world
43:46 – 45:40 —- Conservative Feminism
52:37 – 53:04 —- Conservatives want to control wimminz bodies
56:26 – 58:41 —- Body autonomy: men vs. women
1:05:04 – 1:05:50 —- Victim hood co-opted
1:27:32 – 1:28:47 —- Mansplaining
1:31:01 – 1:32:27 —- The desire to get moral authority over men
1:46:38 – 1:47:00 —- A human being jumping a hoop
1:47:32 – 1:48:46 —- Exit plan
1:59:36 – 2:00:17 —- Extreme ownership
2:07:55 – 2:08:13 —- Gender responsibilities roles
The podcast: