The #PatreonPurge, Fortnite Fights & Charlottesville Driver James Fields Convicted | HBR News 189


Join us on the HBR News show as we look at the stories of the week, including the Patreon Purge, the domestic violence incident that was streamed during a Fortnite session, the verdict of James Fields, and more! Tune in @6pm Eastern


Brian Martinez
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About the author

Brian Martinez

Part time student, part time concierge and full time illustrator all wrapped up in one creative package. Looking for opportunities to use my aptitudes, talents and competence to serve a worthy company, or start my own. Dude. Roots in Chicago. Thinker and go-getter.

<span class="dsq-postid" data-dsqidentifier="160636">2 comments</span>

  • Regarding the car attack in Charlottesville, the crowd was diverted from the protest march route by a woman with a yellow vest and an official looking sign in her hand. She called out the city needed everybody turn left down the one way street, moving around the van that was sitting at the crosswalk for over 7 minutes without moving. Less than 10 seconds after the crowd started surging past the van the car driven by Fields struck the crowd and white car sitting behind the van. Less than a minute before the attack took place Fields car was filmed reversing away from the white car and van from a side street. To even get on that one way street in the first place, Fields had to make a left turn from an intersection from where the white car, van and protest march were not visible. The attack had to be coordinated and at least one accomplice was involved.

    • In order for this to be accepted as fact, there needs to be available evidence. With evidence available there would be a story there to report. Without it, it’s just a claim.

By Brian Martinez

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