ArchiveMarch 2018

Ishiro and Brian Discuss School Shootings and More | Fireside Chat 75


Join us on the Fireside Chat as we talk with guest J. Ishiro about school shootings, toxic masculinity, and other randomness. Tune in @3pm Eastern! Author J. Ishiro Finney is the creator of the Casefile: Arkham graphic novel series. He’s worked in both the comics & publishing industry for over a decade and has many credits under his belt, including work with DC Comics, Image, and...

Breaking the Narrative 78: Stellar Battles of Dropping the Ball! How the Lucas Star Wars Movies Show Male Struggles and How Disney Fails.


Everyone here knows my gaming and video game history but one thing I don’t go too much into unless asked is my own enjoyment of the Star Wars franchise.  I’ve  been a fan of it ever since first watching the original trilogy on VHS with my father as a child during one of the weekends he had me.…

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