ArchiveJune 2017

A Critique Of Camille Paglia


Introduction With the exception of Christina Hoff Sommers, there is no feminist whom receives a more open-minded reception from the Men’s Human Rights Movement than Camille Paglia. Paglia is an art academic but is often known more for her incisive critiques of contemporary feminism as well as the contemporary art establishment (both of which she characterizes as bourgeois, stifling and smug...

Melbourne meetup update (again)


Our venue for the Melbourne meetup has been forced against their will to cancel. This is not the fault of the venue’s owner or staff, but we cannot explain in more detail at this time except to ask that nobody contact the venue to complain, as they cannot do anything about the situation.…

Melbourne meetup announcement, video transcript and message


As Alison announced yesterday, we’ve had a venue change for the Melbourne meetup. It is now at Melbourne Central Shopping Centre Level 3, 211 La Trobe Street Melbourne VIC 3000 It will still be held on Saturday, June 17th, at 5PM We all know that cancelling the venue on such short notice was a crappy thing and we all are disappointed that it happened, but please do not let this get under...

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