ArchiveAugust 2016

Chanty Binx Wants Your Shekels, Misogynists!


I imagine most people here are already accustomed to the red haired meme face of feminism, Chanty Binx, but for those who aren’t familiar with her she protested a MRM related conference at the University of Toronto and outside this conference she engaged in an argument with 2 MRAs which after being recorded was uploaded to the internet in the form of the following video.…

Badger mail: A ling comment on Chad


Hello Badgers,
I just wanted to comment on episode ‘Rantzerker 64: Women of the World, Western Women Pity You.’
I’ve been to Chad, I spent a month there for my internship in Bible College back in ’08. I celebrated Christmas there so I can answer Bono’s question that they do know it’s Christmas time.…

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