Letter to the Badgers: Excerpt from a Swedish newspaper


Hello Badgers,

First of all, I want to thank you all for your fantastic work bringing to light issues that very few other people dare to talk about.
I thought I would share something ridiculous I found in a Swedish newspaper today. See the attached image and the translation below:
The top line says “Men’s* contribution to discussions about rape on social medias”
The first color of the pie chart says “Ideas about how to fight rape and sexual harassment”
The second color says “How short was the girl’s skirt?/Had she been drinking?/Did she clearly say No?”
The third color says “Remind people that actually not all men rape!!”
And then lastly, the asterisk says “*Not all men ;)”
This picture is where the comic section of the newspaper usually is, so people might claim it’s a joke, but it does very much seem like a “funny cause it’s true” kind of mentality.
Thought it would be interesting to hear your thoughts on it.
Thanks for your time,
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Badger Mail

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