The wage gap myth, smashed


by Empress
with comparison data from

The wage gap does not exist in the way feminists interpret as; there are crucial factors that must be accounted for (i.e career/field of choice and sick days) and one of the factors fortunately is NOT sexism. The wage gap is a lifetime earnings gap, broken down by hourly pay to get the figures used when they talk about a wage gap. Like the “.77 cents per 1 dollar a man makes”.

It’s a misrepresentation, distortion, and misinterpretation of the data.

Women usually will go into fields that are less strenuous such as education or nursing. Women also tend to avoid going into STEM whereas men become construction works or will go into engineering. These are just example.

You cannot compare a middle aged single mother that works part time in a diner, taking more days off and sick days and paternity leave and less over time and compare her earnings in a lifetime to a man fresh out of university entering a high paying field who will take less sick vacation days and who will work more hours and overtime and claim that there is a sexist wage gap because of this.

Here is feminist Christina Sommers putting into perspective what the wage gap exactly is.

Here are some articles by women.

Other references.

Women out-earning men.,8599,2015274,00.html

Women in tech and science.

Women are now a majority in American workplaces.

Another video (much like Christina Sommers) on the wage gap.

The wage gap is a statistic based on the AVERAGE amount of money ALL the women in the US make compared to the AVERAGE amount of money ALL the men make in the US.

Not all men and women work in the same job and not all jobs pay the same.

Top Five Jobs Women Take:
Secretaries and administrative assistants
Registered nurses
Elementary and middle school teachers
Nursing, psychiatric, and home health aides

Top Five Jobs Men Take:
Law Enforcement

Lets look at the yearly salaries for women’s top five jobs:
$50,220 (
$67,930 (
E: $51,380 ( M: $51,960 (
$20,370 (
N: $24,010 ( P:$26,880 ( HH: $20,170 (V

Now lets look at the yearly salaries for men’s top five jobs:
$28,410 (
$119,260 (
$55,010 (
$45,250 (
$53,030 (

As you can see, men lead in all but one category. Construction. Why do the male jobs pay more? Let’s find out shall we?

Occupational hazards of women’s top jobs:

Secretaries and administrative assistants (
Muscle strain from lifting phones and typing
Risk of stapling
Working in a cold office increases muscle tension and encourages poor working posture as you huddle trying to stay warm.

Registered nurses (
Can be exposed to contagious and infectious diseases
Can come into contact with chemicals
Violence at work (

Elementary and middle school teachers
Bacterial and viral infections
Threatened with injury
Repetitive stress injuries
Mental stress

Cashiers (
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Back pain
Swollen feet
Leg pain
Normal exposure to colds and flu
Shoulder and neck pain
Sleep problems (if working the night shift)

Nursing, psychiatric, and home health aides
Nursing Aide (
Infection control
Back injuries
Hazardous materials
Repetitive stress injuries

Psychiatric Aide (
Minor infections
Major diseases

Home Health Aide (
Exposure to communicable diseases
Above average risk of infection

Occupational hazards of men’s top jobs:

Construction (
Falls from working at height,
Crush injuries in excavation work,
Slips and trips,
Being struck by falling objects,
Moving heavy loads,
Bad working positions, often in confined spaces,
Being struck or crushed by a workplace vehicle,
Receiving injuries from hand tools,
Inhalation of dust,
Handling of rough materials,
Exposure to dangerous substances (chemical and biological),
Working near, in, or over water,
Exposure to radiation,
Loud noise,
Vibration from tools or vibrating machinery.

Engineering (
The Operation of Plant Regulations and Approvals
The Operation of Conveyors and Bulk Materials Handling Systems
The Operation of Winding and Lifting Plan
The Safe Operation of Mobile Plant
The Failure of Structures
Inadequate Operator Protection on Mobile Plant
Contact with Moving or Rotating Plant
Safe Access to Mechanical Plant and Structures
Inadequate Energy Dissipation and Isolation
The use of Fluid Power Systems
Circumstances Leading to Uncontrolled Fires
The Ignition of Flammable and Explosive Substances
Fire and/or Explosion Initiated by Plant in or Near Hazardous Zones or Hazardous Areas
The Handling, Transportation and use of Dangerous Goods
Exposure to Hazardous and Toxic Substances
Exposure to Noise, Vibration, and Temperature
The use of Cutting and Welding Equipment
Working in Confined Spaces and Restricted Areas

Police Officer (—ed_protect/—protrav/—safework/documents/publication/wcms_192426.pdf)
Possibility of attack
Physically taxing tasks
Stresses of being exposed to negative events in the lives of others
Auto accidents while on duty either pursuing a suspect
Risk of being shot at or stabbed

Firemen (
Damage to lungs from smoke
Physical strain

Electricians (
Exposure to lead, solvents, solder, and other toxic materials.
Risk of electrical burns and fatal electrical shock.
Increased risks of injury from working in confined spaces.
Exposure to toxic welding fumes and ultraviolet radiation.
Exposure to extreme temperatures with attendant risks of frostbite and heat stress.
Injury from work in awkward positions, repetitive manual tasks, and lifting heavy objects.
Exposure to toxic molds, fungi, and bacteria.
Risk of infections and diseases from exposure to bird or rodent droppings.
Risks of falling from working at heights.
Risk of eye injury from flying particles.
Injuries from slips, trips and falls.
Injuries from working with hand tools, power tools and equipment.
Stress and risk of increased injury from shift work or extended work days.
Exposure to asbestos with attendant risks of cancer and lung disease.

Clearly as the data shows, men tend to go into fields that can result in death or permanent injuries whereas women choose fields that are far less strenuous and dangerous and only result in minor risks such as body aches or the possibility of disease.

The hazards in said jobs are taken into account and therefore the employee is compensated for it.

The WAGE GAP you hear about is the AVERAGE OF THE ENTIRE NATION.

It DOES NOT compare a man and a woman WORKING IN THE SAME FIELD.

It represents every single man and every single women in the USA.

That is why it is called average and as you can see, women tend to take lower paying jobs with fewer risks, while men tend to take higher paying jobs with far more hazards.

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Honey Badger Brigade publishes select reader submissions which are in line with our submissions policy. Publication does not constitute endorsement of the statements contained in published posts. Intellectual debate is greatly encouraged. Submissions may be sent to
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<span class="dsq-postid" data-dsqidentifier="155124">5 comments</span>

  • I think you’ve made a mistake at the start of this article.
    “The wage gap does exist in the way feminists interpret as” this should read as “should not”.

  • I think it boils down to men’s sexual market value being almost entirely based on income, as opposed to women’s which is almost entirely based on visual attractiveness (youthfulness and fitness).

  • There are of course loads of studies on this subject and it’s become clear to me that the “facts” don’t matter to the many people that have a need to be a victim. Whats behind or the reasons for the earnings gap (not a pay gap at all) is important. If I say “Men must have 7 children to get custody of one” people immediately want to start listing reasons why men might not get or deserve custody. When it’s men who could be represented as victims, what’s behind the statement is not important to us, but when women are the victim, we insist it’s taken at face value, or by falsely stating that it’s for equal work. So, why do we have such a large need to portray women as victims? Do we need them to have yet more power? How much is enough? It seems that the earnings gap is a benefit to women (do less, easier, safer work), and portraying women as victims because of the earnings gap provides them even more benefit.

  • We’ve heard all of this before, but I think the more we keep saying it the greater chance there will be that some people actually give these facts some consideration.

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