ArchiveApril 2016

The henpecked husband


The following article is an English translation of an original article by El Tivípata, a Spanish blogger specialized in antifeminism. Originally published on 27th May 2015. Published with his explicit permission. Link to the original in Spanish:

El legado de Valerie Solanas


Traducción de un artículo original de Rachel Edwards.
Me topé por primera vez con Valerie Solanas en 2008 mientras buscaba un DVD en la biblioteca local. Tenía entre mis manos una película titulada Yo disparé a Andy Warhol. Puede que esta película biográfica sea uno de los mejores argumentos involuntarios a favor del antifeminismo.…

What Women Think of Feminist Frequency


Several months ago, I published two articles on my old blog, Black Trident Media, entitled “What Women Think of Feminist Frequency” in which I approached a number of women via social media and asked them to offer a counter-perspective to much of the common fluff concerning Anita Sarkeesian’s views in Feminist Frequency’s Tropes vs.…

What Were You Wearing? …and Other Invasive Questions


So early this morning I got into a discussion with an old friend. She had posted a meme from the image app Whisper saying that: If lesbians can control themselves around short skirts, then the skirt’s not the problem. I took issue with this, not because I disagree with the statement, but rather because I felt that it was suggesting that men simply couldn’t control themselves around scantily-clad...

Pathological Altruism: The Road to Hell is Paved with Hair Dye and Vagina Bread


You know, it never fails to astound me when I see people, when commenting on Feminists Behaving Badly, saying such things as, “They know exactly what they’re doing! They’s evil!”
While the people who often make such accusations fall firmly into the realm of trait ascription bias, the caricature is all-too-common, especially in online realms.…

On Supposed “White-Washing”.


Alrighty then, while I’m trying to work something out on the regular article I am preparing on depictions of different men in anime I have to take a small, but related, diversion: Scarlett Johansson playing Major Motoko Kusanagi in the Hollywood production of Ghost in the Shell, the argument being that Miss Johansson shouldn’t be allowed to play the role because of her ethnicity in...

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