Traducción de un artículo original de GirlWritesWhat, publicado el 15 de septiembre de 2011. Sé que muchos de vosotros estaréis esperando que esto sea una perorata sobre cómo el feminismo ha denigrado y demonizado la sexualidad masculina, y cómo ha criticado las cualidades agresivas de la masculinidad (ambición, éxito, competitividad, autoafirmación), que tan útiles han sido para la sociedad...
Badger mail: We are all biased and we all have a faith or trust or belief
We are all biased and we all have a faith or trust or belief
Otherwise we would not take another step, because we would not have confidence that the ground would hold for another step forward.
There is an ongoing discussion of religion and faith in the MRM.…
Report him, just in case
The following article is an English translation of an original article by El Tivípata, a Spanish blogger specialized in antifeminism. Originally published on 29th April 2015. Published with his explicit permission. Link to the original in Spanish:
Porque… ¡feminismo!
Traducción de un artículo de Hannah Wallen.
Se sospecha que un estudiante se suicidó después de haber sido falsamente tildado de violador en Facebook.
Tom Acton, un chaval de 16 años, fue sometido a una falsa acusación de violación (difundida en forma de rumor) después de haber contactado con la policía por la presencia de traficantes de drogas en su barrio.…
Scary Plotter and the Patreon of Sargon
How does a social justice ideologue respond to criticism?
With introspection? Intellectual development? Counterarguments?
Not if we’re talking about MTV Decoded’s Franchesca Ramsey’s response to Sargon of Akkad.…
Hulk Hogan vs Gawker courtroom smackdown
Final testimony and closing arguments were heard on Thursday and Friday in Hulk Hogan’s privacy lawsuit against Gawker for the tabloid site’s publication of secretly recorded video of him engaged in a sex act.
The video was published in 2012 along with an article examining public fascination with celebrity sex tapes.…
Mean girled: Crybully has Mercedes Carrera deplatformed at SXSW
Today’s SavePoint panel, a discussion on the gaming community hosted by South by Southwest, almost didn’t happen. Upon learning that it had been scheduled, opponents of #Gamergate engaged in a concentrated campaign to heckle the administrators of SXSW into canceling it, and at one point, it seemed they had been successful.…
Nobody will speak of us when we’re dead
The following article is an English translation of an original article by El Tivípata, a Spanish blogger specialized in antifeminism. Originally published on 10th March 2016. Published with his explicit permission. Link to the original in Spanish:
Los hombres no quieren casarse… ¿hasta dónde llega el problema?
Traducción de un vídeo y un artículo de GirlWritesWhat, transcrito por A Voice for Men.
Un amigo mío se puso como loco tras leer un artículo escrito por alguien que, supongo, era una mujer tradicionalista; intentaba averiguar “qué narices les pasa a los hombres de hoy en día”.…
The beard and the men’s rights movement
I’ve had a beard non-stop for the last year and a half. Occasional visits to my barber, a brush and a supply of beard oil is all I need for keeping a nice full beard, brown with a hint of red and blond. It keeps me warm in winter, it protects me from the sun in summer, and it is just plain awesome.…
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