ArchiveFebruary 2016

Justice Jacks In to Jackie’s Jacked Up UVA Stories


For the first time since she was made infamous by the pseudonym Jackie in the now notorious Rolling Stone false rape UVA article, the woman whose lies started the whole mess will finally be facing a tiny bit of scrutiny. A judge has signed an order that compels Jackie to turn over communications between her and Rolling Stone in a lawsuit filed by Dean Nicole Eramo, suing Rolling Stone for nearly...

Pre-Sex Crimes Are Here: Man Required to Report Sexual Activity 24 Hours in Advance


Government invasion of privacy is about to reach a new low, according to according to an article from the BBC, as a North Yorkshire man is now required to report sexual activity to the police at least 24 hours in advance or face five years in prison. The magistrate’s civil order, acquired by the BBC, reads , “You must disclose the details of any female including her name, address and...

Sobre la negación feminista de las diferencias biológicas entre los sexos.


Traducción de un artículo original de Hannah Wallen, publicado en agosto de 2012 en su blog Breaking The Glasses:
Esta es una de las maneras que tiene el feminismo de perjudicar a todo el mundo. Al defender que la negación de la biología humana se imponga social y jurídicamente, el activismo feminista crea un ambiente asfixiante y opresivo para la interacción humana.…

Richard Dawkins de-platformed for sharing wrongthink


By Shachar Haad Last Wednesday (27 January), Richard Dawkins, an English ethologist, evolutionary biologist, and writer, retweeted a satirical video that made parallels between the Feminist Movement and the Islamic culture. As a result, Dawkins was uninvited from speaking at the Northeast Conference on Science and Skepticism, as the event planners believed the video was in made in poor taste and...



Gynocentrism n. (Greek, γυνή, “female” – Latin centrum, “centered” ) refers to a dominant or exclusive focus on women in theory or practice, or to the advocacy of this.1 Anything can be considered gynocentric (Adj.) when it is concerned exclusively with a female (or specifically a feminist) point of view.2 The prevailing focus of gynocentric ideology is to prioritize females hierarchically, and...

I Have a Dream – Outdated and Unrepresentative?


“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. I have a dream…”
Those words were spoken by Martin Luther King during the American Civil Rights movement when he addressed the American people in Washington D.C.…

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