ArchiveFebruary 2016

A reader’s thoughts on reproductive rights


Hey guys, I love your show(s) and I have a lot of respect for the work you do. I’m just going to get that in quickly so as to not belabor it and, ya know, get to my point, since I know you guys are busy people. I’ve held a position on abortion for a while that, as far as I’ve seen, I’m the only one honestly holding (at least, the only one who openly speaks and...

The situation in Spain


Hello Badgers, Cassius here again. I’ve told you a few things before about my experiences with feminism and men’s rights in Spain, but now I would like to paint a broader picture for you, in case you are not familiar with the situation: Feminism is mainstream, it is a must for every political party and to disagree with a feminist is exposing yourself to lots of “machista”...

Feminism and emotional intelligence


First, I must say that I’m no expert in emotional intelligence. At all. I merely have a superficial theoretical understanding of the subject, so I’ll be using simple and basic concepts here (because those are the only ones I have). But I think they’ll be useful for my point.…

Bros? We Got an App for That.


Don’t bro me if you don’t know me.
Bros before hoes.
Like its older brother, “man,” bro is being portmanteau’d into everything, as slutty a syllable as you’ll ever encounter. You know you’ve done it, too, reader, just slipped that word into some sweet little consenting phrase.…

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