I’ve seen it all over social media and news sites; the use of a false dilemma argument to promote a variety of agendas all dependent on exploiting incidents like the Cologne. One must either listen and believe, or be assumed to condone the sexual violence alleged to have taken place.…
Why Don’t Men Hate Being Single As Much as Women Do?
Does this all have to do with just video games and porn? Possibly, but its probably not the entire picture.
As a guy who is single, I can not entirely agree with this conclusion. I know that out of the overall population, a majority of men that will do anything they can to seek out a stable relationship, as they do not like being single.…
The Independent shifts the blame in Cologne to all men
The Independent has recently published an article in regards to the Cologne attack in Germany during NYE in which around 1,000 men of predominantly North African and Arab descent were reported to have robbed, sexually assaulted and raped numerous women.…
El feminismo y el hombre desechable
Traducción de un vídeo original de GirlWritesWhat. Transcripción de Dean Esmay.
Hace poco, discutí con una feminista que había venido a un espacio seguro masculino desde un blog feminista únicamente para burlarse de la idea de la desechabilidad masculina.…
In defense of straight men, from the perspective of an introverted fag.
By Tomás Allende Conte
I realized I was gay twice. The first time around the age of 10. To put this in context, we are talking about Chile in 2001. Homosexuality had been legal for only 3 years, and it wasn’t very widely accepted. I told my parents who, understandably, proceeded to convince me it was a phase, and since the lie was easier to believe, I complied.…
Women explain things to me – Shaming language and sexism
Someone named “Alanna Vagianos” (Stop the adolescent snickering back there! Right now!), the Women’s Editor at the Huffington Post, has an article supposedly doing a flip-the-gender on sexist insults and shaming language. From the beginning she displays her ignorance of gender issues.…
Did Gamergate Kill David Bowie?
UPDATE: Jennifer Mendoza has indeed been confirmed as a “Poe”/satire account. Nevertheless I won’t delete this post due to its criticism of the idea that gamer culture has historically been hypermasculine and that androgyny or gender-atypicality somehow represents a threat to this culture’s values.…
Upcoming Shows on Honey Badger Radio, It’s 2016 Edition
Rantzerker 31: “How to be a man” by Emma Watson
Join Karen, Alison and Mike as they once again take on the terrible spectre of neo-traditionalism, Emma Watson’s advice on “how to be man.” Because we’ve never tried chivalry before!…
Are You in a Relationship with the Wrong Woman?
Too often, men who are just getting into a relation, end up finding that the relationship they try to build falls apart and they want to know what they’re doing wrong. The harsh reality is that they are not doing anything wrong, except for the fact that they’re dating the wrong type of women for them. …
Badger Bites – ¿Es el feminismo una religión?
Traducción de un artículo original de Honey Badger Brigade.
Karen Straughan
¿Por qué sé que el feminismo es una religión?
Porque con cinco violaciones y dos agresiones sexuales, y mediante el poder de la feminidad divina inherente en la frase “escuchad y creed”, puede convertir tan exiguo número en un auténtico festín de violencia sexual.…
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