ArchiveJanuary 2016

El Único Hombre Bueno


Traducción de un artículo original de Alison Tieman.
El Único Hombre Bueno ve en la Mujer aquello que los hombres no tienen. La Mujer es brillante, encantadora y buena. Los hombres son oscuros, siniestros y malvados.
Para mantener la imagen de la Mujer como un ser brillante, encantador y bueno, el Único Hombre Bueno se traga la oscuridad de Ella.…

¿Tienes una relación con la mujer equivocada?


Traducción de un artículo original de Rogue Star 13
Demasiado a menudo, los hombres que inician una relación terminan por darse cuenta de que la relación que intentan construir se derrumba, y quieren saber qué es lo que están haciendo mal. La dura realidad es que no están haciendo nada mal, salvo salir con un tipo de mujer inadecuado para ellos.…

Reforming Rising Sun Rape


When men’s rights activists fight to get resources, the law and even the culture reformed for men who suffer from rape experiences across a wide variety of countries, feminism often stands in the way. Indeed, it could be and has been said that the gynocentric views feminism engenders serve to strengthen the apathy to achieving justice and closure for male rape victims.…

Seven blind feminists feel up an imaginary Elephant


According to a survey carried out by top female executives in the tech industry, 60% of women in tech reported unwanted sexual advances. Of these, around two thirds say these advances were from a superior colleague. The survey called ‘Elephant in the Valley’ was inspired by the discourse surrounding the Ellen Pao & KPCB trial – in which the former sued her then employer, Kleiner Perkins...

Honey Badger Radio’s Upcoming Shows!


Rantzerker 33: All the men hate the wimmins
Join Karen, Alison and TL;DR as they take on this… holy fucking fuck balls. THIS. The rage cannot be contained folks.
Special Guest: @TheRealTealDeer
Date: January 18th, 2016
Time: 2 PM Eastern
Responding to:  The Big Questions: Does Social Media reveal our desire to malign men?…

Feminist Religion


by Theryn Meyer
Epistemology is the study of how we come to know what we know, especially with regards to its limits and validity. Throughout history there have been two leading, often competing and conflicting, epistemologies – science (based on the scientific method) and religion (based on faith).…

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