Georgia Tech is facing increased scrutiny for its use of the single judge, jury and executioner model to try rape cases, and may be changing its approach to accusations in the near future. The university has been embroiled in increasing controversy over the 12 students who have been expelled for sexual assault allegations in the last five years, two of which brought lawsuits to the school. Their methods have even sparked a rebuke from the state governor. A controversial racism debate at a fraternity based on hearsay seems to have been the last straw, as the university assembled a task force in December of last year to revise their methods. One of the victims of a false allegation was reinstated to the school this month and the committee’s recommendations for a fairer system will be heard later in the month.
The story is unusual in that the reinstated student is a gay male who had only two sexual encounters with his accuser, after which he broke off the relationship. Somehow, perhaps through the magical power of feminism, the accuser only realized it was rape nearly a year later and added alcohol to the mix of the story. Nobody seemed to care about the right of the — at the time — in the closet accused when it basically forced him to come out to his family and friends out of necessity.
He faced the same ridiculous Kakfa-esque trampling of the right to a fair trial as did the by now expected frat brother who also sued the university, but only the gay male student got reinstated. Perhaps the divine mercy of feminism granted him a pardon due to his participation in the oppression Olympics? Or perhaps it was because we all know frat brothers were taught to rape in the womb.
Of course it’s not totally ridiculous that the frat member’s accuser came forward 17 months later! Apparently, she was so drunk she didn’t know what was going on, yet somehow at the same time was aware that he violated her by fingering her vagina until she threw up. How did she realize these details despite the fact that she had largely blacked out? Why, she attended a college seminar on sexual assault, of course! The fraternity member denied any sexual contact and had witnesses to testify that he and another man carried her back to her dorm because she was too drunk, and they were concerned about her safety. Apparently, he didn’t get the memo that, in the eyes of feminism, concern for women’s safety is also rape.
While it’s heartening to hear there may be a chance Georgia Tech may return to sanity in the eyes of the law, one only has to read the end of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s piece, which prints their policy on sexual assault allegations right next to their policy for all other complaints, to see how far they have departed from sanity. For every other complaint that can be called for disciplinary action at the university, students can expect to have their rights explained to them in a proper administrative meeting, call witnesses to testify and choose between a student panel or administrator to hear the case. So for every anti-social behavior that may registered as a complaint and is usually in the wider context of the law seen as illegal, proper rights are given, but for the one behavior that is perfectly legal under normal circumstances and often has no witness, none of the usual rights are. One wonders what sanity would entail for a university that thinks this could possibly be justice.
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