Previously, we posted an update explaining that we had served notice of legal action to Calgary Comics and Entertainment Expo and to The Mary Sue.
A few weeks ago, we received an interesting response regarding Calgary Comics and Entertainment Expo. It consisted of the claim that we had contacted the wrong person, followed by the argument that if the entity we contacted were the entity responsible for the Calgary Comics and Entertainment Expo, the Expo staff’s actions were valid.
Available information, as it was uncovered, pointed to a bit of financial chicanery. There are multiple entities connected with Calgary Comics and Entertainment Expo & Calgary Expo International founder Kandrix Foong. This is what we’ve found publicly available online:
Video of Foong being interviewed about Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo:
Publicly listed federal corporation information for Calgary Expo International, Inc. shows that Foong is that company’s only listed director.
A whois lookup reveals that the event’s official website, is registered to Kandrix Foong through 2025.
*Note – the information for both the federal corporation listing and the registration for is publicly available but we’re not publishing it because it contains what may be either current or outdated contact information. However, both pages have been archived for future reference as needed.
Calgary Expo International, Inc. is the only federal corporate entity remotely connected with the Calgary Comic and Entertainment expo, with Kandrix Foong as the connection between the two.
A second entity with no federal corporate information, Alberta Entertainment Expo, is also associated with both but appears to be connected in only a managerial capacity.
All indications that we had the right entity rely on the various entities all being connected by name, and through Kandrix Foong. However, of the two entities, only Alberta Entertainment Expo could be directly linked to Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo online. The one common thread between all 3 of these entities is that Foong founded them all. He’s the domain name owner for the websites for all 3 entities, using the same address and phone information for all of them.
For several days we operated under the supposition that we did in fact have the correct entity, as the only other source of contact we had was the Comic & Entertainment Expo Committee, listed on receipts we had for the Honey Badger Booth registration. However, no search could come up with a solid connection. In the course of our investigation, we found out why.
Comic & Entertainment Expo Committee, which sounds like the name of a committee operating as part of a company, is actually the name of a company. It is not a federally registered corporation, like Calgary Expo International, but is registered in Service Alberta’s registrar’s periodical, a list of corporations registered in the province. Alberta Entertainment Expo, inc. is also registered only at the province level.
So the federal corporate entity bearing nearly the same name as Calgary expo and founded by the expo’s founder is not the expo’s parent company. Instead, an entity named to appear as a mere committee, registered in its province but not as a federally incorporated entity, is. While this caused some confusion as to which entity is responsible for the expo, we were able to identify Comic & Entertainment Expo Committee as the correct entity.
In light of that information, an application for an order granting leave to amend the civil claim has been submitted.
Once the court receives the documents they will provide us with a date for a conference call to determine whether or not leave is granted to amend the claim, and send the documents back to us so that we can serve the document on the other side.The date for the pretrial is set for June 2nd, 2016.
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