Last month, I did an article on the claim that watching porn makes you a feminist. This led to a research paper that actually tested the assumption “If watching porn makes you a misogynist” as supported by most feminist researchers. The studied showed that those who watch porn are more likely to have favorable viewpoints towards feminist topics, and in some cases more so than non-porn users.
The research made use of something called the General Social Survey, which since the 70’s, has been used to get a lot of information from the population about various things. The GSS is rather unique that it tends to have unbiased results. Every year that it is done, around 1,000 – 2,000 people fill it out, and in the total time it has been collected, nearly 60,000 people have taken it. There a very good chance that those people who take it are different each year.
The survey is open to the public, to explore the results however they choose to. From there, they can conduct studies on that information. More than seeing the results, you can apply filters to determine how people voted for answers based on how they answered other questions. Sounds a bit confusing. Like the research in question, they determined how people answered the question about porn, and how those people felt about family or wage gap. Then compared those who watch porn vs those who don’t to determine how porn viewers compared to each other.
The purpose of the GSS is not to find any conclusive information, but rather be a starting point of where to conduct your studies. Get a good starting point with your research project so you know where to focus your efforts. The reason being is that the GSS is a voluntarily survey and not many questions are not asked every year. Some questions you find on this was only answered for a single year, and others were asked in the 80’s and 90’s.
On top of that, it is not exactly a great representative sample. While you get 1000 people each year, the demographic that takes it and sends it in are not always very diverse. For Example, most of those who send it in are White and Female. We need to keep in the back of our mind, that this is just those who sent in the survey, and shouldn’t really be used to make any strong determination. However, that is often a failing of most studies, especially Feminist studies.
The original research result was from 1974 – 2010. So in this article today, I will recheck their results, measuring from 2000 – 2014, so that way no previous years skew the results. Why 15 years and not say 10 years or 5 years? The answer is simple. Culture is a thing that takes time to change. The culture we see today is the result of what was started in the 60’s. Had Feminism not happened in the 60’s, then the SJW culture likely would not have happened. From the 60’s, we had the PC Movement in the 90’s. If the PC Movement hadn’t happened, then SJW culture likely wouldn’t have formed.
What we see today is built on events that happened long ago, but I measure 15 years back because our culture has remain relatively the same in that time. There has been small changes, and definitely an increase of radical feminism in that time. I also do it, because within those 15 years, some questions have only a few years worth of data. Overall, our culture hasn’t changed that drastically in the last 15 years, but has definitely changed in the last 25 and 55 years.
After this article, there will be one last article in this series, where I will use the GSS to try to determine if what Feminism says about culture is correct, whether it is anti-woman as Feminist claim.
To test the results today, I am making use of this site. It took me some time figuring it out, but now that I have, I can use it to look at any general issue based on how those who watch porn and don’t watch it by the years. At any time, I am using 3 variables to bring up my results.
Who Watches Porn?
First off, only 24% says yes to watch porn. So either this means that 1 in 4 people actually watch porn, or 1 in 4 people admit to watching it. I tend to believe the latter, rather than the former. Either way, 3 out of 4 people feel that porn is wrong or feel guilty that the watch it, and this still helps understand the research.
In both these circumstances, these individuals will feel that it is not something people should engage in. By Feminist assumptions, those against porn, should be more in keeping with Feminist issues than those who watch Porn, by a lot. Those who watch Porn should be those who hate women and don’t want equal rights for women.
For the sake of simplicity, I will refer to those who admit to watching porn as Active Porn Users (APU) and those don’t watch or don’t admit to it as Non-Porn Users (NPU).
65% Men and 35% Women are Active Porn Users (APU)
The Age range of APU’s are between 19 – 49.
The Age range of NPU’s are between 30 – 62
43% APU’s are not married with 40% that are married
59% NPU’s are married with 19% that are not married
APU’s are 69% White, 17% Black, 7% Hispanic, 3% Asian
NPU’s are 77% White, 12% Black, 5% Hispanic, 3% Asian
APU’s are 33% Liberal, 41% Moderate
NPU’s are 38% Conservative, 37% Moderate
Based on this, the average APU is likely to be 19 – 49 Single White Male who is Moderate to Liberal
NPU’s are likely to be 30 – 62 Married White Male who is Conservative/Moderate.
Also, both are likely to be straight. 96% of people taking the GSS answered they were straight.
So, let us take a look at some issues important to Feminists.
Women Holding Power
If your party nominated a woman for President, would you vote for her if she were qualified for the job?
95% of both groups answered Yes to this question.
What position of power is seen as greater than the President of the United States? This definitely becomes relevant when we have Hillary Clinton who will likely be on the ballot for the election. If she loses, many Feminists will likely state that it was because she was a woman. Yet this question states the opposite, that those taking it are more than happy to vote for a woman, so if Hillary doesn’t win, it is likely because of her politics and not because of her vagina.
Most men are better suited emotionally for politics than are most women
About 77% of both groups Disagreed with that statement
It is stated that women can be quite emotional at times. It is true. However, so can men. In different ways of course. Despite the reality, people seem to believe that women are as capable of holding political power as men. So why then don’t we see more female politicians? Fewer women than men run, but it is also shown that women (the largest voting demographic) will tend to vote for men even if women are on the ballot.
Women Working Out of the Home
It is much better for everyone involved if the man is the achiever outside the home and the woman takes care of the home and family.
72% of APU’s disagreed with that statement
62% of NPU’s disagreed with that statement
“Should a woman not have a position outside the home” is definitely an issue raised by Feminists. They state that Men want women in traditional gender roles and to control women like cattle. Since we know the majority of APU’s are male, we should see this number more as an agreement with the statement than disagreement. NPU’s disagreement should be much higher, that they want women working, especially considering the majority of NPU’s are women. Yet, that’s not what we’re seeing here. It would seem NPU’s would rather women stay home, and APU’s are good with women working out of the home.
More than that, it’s a difference of 10%. 1 – 5% is not a big deal, but anything over that is worth taking notice. In this case, APU’s are more likely to agree with Feminists than NPU’s. Think about that.
Because of past discrimination, employers should make special efforts to hire and promote qualified women.
64% APU’s agree
66% NPU’s agree
Affirmative Action for women is a great debate between Feminists and Men’s Rights. Feminists state that women don’t get opportunities for promotion or getting a job. Even though we can have female bosses, the fact there are more men above he proves the inequality women face. Here we see that both APU’s and NPU’s feel that women should be given special treatment to counteract past discrimination… the exact thing feminists want.
The only comfort we can take from this, with it being an average of 65%, it is not a vast majority who feels this way.
A working mother can establish just as warm and secure a relationship with her children as a mother who does not work.
75% APU’s agree
80% NPU’s agree
Another thing that is discussed is whether or not a woman can do it all. Can a woman be a successful mother and career woman? More than that, can she be as good of a mother than one who stays with their child at home? It would appear that people feel that yes, a woman can have it all.
A pre-school child is likely to suffer if his or her mother works.
65% APU’s disagree
63% NPU’s disagree
Unlike the previous question, this focuses more on the development of a child. Will a child suffer if they don’t have as much contact with their mother during the first few years of life? The majority of both groups disagree with that statement.
All in all, family life suffers when the woman has a full-time job.
65% APU’s disagree
59% NPU’s disagree
This is still a majority belief, but it appears NPU’s are more in the middle about this issue versus APU’s. More than that, there is a 6% difference between the two. Since Feminists would say 100% disagree on this issue, the fact that APU’s are more likely to agree with Feminists on this issue than NPU’s is rather interesting.
A husband’s job is to earn money; a wife’s job is to look after the home and family.
62% APU’s disagree
51% NPU’s disagree
You thought the last one was surprising, this one is even more surprising. Not only is it a difference of 9%, but NPU’s seemed to be more on the fence on this issue. 51% disagrees means 49% agree. Practically 50/50. APU’s however are more leaning towards feminism than NPU’s.
Abortion is a very big issue with most Feminists. While there are some Pro-Life Feminists out there, there are a great many Pro-Choice Feminists out there that feel that men want to take away Abortion for women. If Feminist theory holds, then those who watch porn are going to want to take away Abortion, because they hate women. As we know, when you watch porn, you do so because you hate women.
Note that this won’t be a discussion if abortion is right or wrong, only about proving or disproving the Feminist assumption about Porn Users.
Should a Women be able to obtain a legal abortion if:
If there is a strong chance of serious defect in the baby?
82% APU’s say yes
73% NPU’s say yes
If she is married and does not want any more children?
55% APU’s say yes
41% NPU’s say yes
One of the few times where APU’s and NPU’s disagree. The difference in their disagreement is 14%. We know that Feminists feel a woman should be able to get an abortion for any reason whatsoever, this is quite staggering that there is such a large gap between the two groups. By Feminist Theory, it should actually be the opposite, since again, watching porn means you hate women.
If the woman’s own health is seriously endangered by the pregnancy?
93% APU’s say yes
87% NPU’s say yes
If the family has a very low income and cannot afford any more children?
55% APU’s say yes
40% NPU’s say yes
This is surprising to note, as it is a difference for 14%. Porn users are more likely to agree with Feminists, though it is close enough for them to be on the fence about it.
If she became pregnant as a result of rape?
85% APU’s say yes
75% NPU’s say yes
Both groups seem more in favor of this than other questions about abortion, yet APU’s pulled out 10% more than NPU’s.
If she is not married and does not want to marry the man?
51% APU’s say yes
37% NPU’s say yes
The woman wants it for any reason?
53% APU’s say yes
39% NPU’s say yes
So we end our discussion on Abortion with a 14% difference. It’s rather odd, considering what Feminists say about those who watch porn, that it appears porn users are more likely to state women having the right to make decisions about her body than non-porn users. In every question for results in the last 15 years, APU’s are more supporting of women getting abortions. How’s that for hating women?
Do you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree that methods of birth control should be available to teenagers between the ages of 14 and 16 if their parents do not approve?
71% APU’s agreed or strongly agreed
53% NPU’s agreed or strongly agreed
Not exactly a major Feminist issue, but if a feminist were asked (and they were still in college), they would emphatically agree with this statement. My findings show a difference 18%. While NPU’s are more on the fence about this, the near vast majority of APU’s agree with this.
Would you be for or against sex education in the public schools?
94% APU’s say yes
87% NPU’s say yes
Another non-Feminist issue, but one that most Feminists would support, it does seem both groups do want sex education in schools. However, it’s the vast minorities that get in the way and do everything they can to keep it out of schools.
Should divorce in this country be easier or more difficult to obtain than it is now?
APU’s: 38% easier; 37% harder; 25% stay the same
NPU’s: 27% easier; 50% harder; 23% stay the same
While APU’s seemed to be up in the air about it being easier or harder, it is very definitive that NPU’s want to make it more difficult to get a divorce. Interesting though, how both wanting it to stay the same is in the minority.
Once again, none of this is conclusive of anything. We cannot say Porn Users are more feminist. Certainly the numbers point that way, but I could also say that the numbers show Porn Users are more MRA or more Egalitarian. We can label this however we want, but we cannot take this and state that this is a true reflection of the US.
It’s almost like the family feud. We asked 100 audience members for their answers, top answers on the board. This is much the same way. Would we really take the Family Feud as a true reflection of the US? All we can really show is that the feminist assumption has a poor foundation, based on their preconceive notions and not based on any element of fact.
The point of the GSS is to tell us what areas we should conduct our studies. True research starts with a hypothesis, and may even use the GSS to form their hypothesis before actually doing the leg work to come to a conclusion. If a Feminist uses the GSS, it appears they use it form a conclusion and try to find evidence to support said conclusion, which is then intellectual dishonesty. If they don’t use it, they still form a conclusion before doing research.
What I have done here today, was more of a thought experiment on, whether or not the assumption feminists believed, held water. The studies result and my research shows quite well, it doesn’t. Perhaps there should be a more formal study conducted to find out if this is true or not, however, such a study would have to be done properly. Meaning, not start with the assumption that porn consumption means one hates women. The study would need to have an unbiased approach.
Of course, to ask a feminist to be unbiased is like asking ask a lion to stop killing their food. Feminist can’t not form baseless conclusions about everything. It’s what they do. However, it is difficult for them to now argue that porn causes bad values in our world and those who like it hate women. It appears those who watch porn, agree more with feminist ideology than previously thought. It certainly opens up a door.
- The Worst Crime - December 3, 2016
- Feminists Inject Shame Into Male Contraception - November 2, 2016
- Is there Racism While Driving? - September 22, 2016





