Badger Pod Nerdcast 46: MAN-IME!
Join the badgers as we discuss the manliest anime out there! Which manime will triumph? HU-WHAAAA!
Host: Brian Martinez
Participants: Mike(DoctorRandomercam), Anna Cherry, Alison Tieman, Oliver Campbell
Date: August 24th, 2015
Time: 5 PM Eastern
Nerdrevolt Gamergate 27: Sad Puppies proven right, remain sad
Join the badgers as we discuss… the Hugos and all of those lovely “No Awards!” Yes. The clique preferred to burn down the awards rather than submit to the opinions of wrongfans.
Host: Brian Martinez
Participants: Rachel Edwards, Alison Tieman, Hannah Wallen
Special Guests: Sad Puppies- Sarah A. Hoyt, Kate Paulk, Brad Torgersen, Mike Williamson
Time: 8 PM Eastern
Honey Badger Radio 19: On HBR topic is you!
Join the Honey Badgers as we read your mail and take your calls!
Host: Rachel Edwards
Participants: Anna Cherry, Karen Straughan, Hannah Wallen, Alison Tieman
Date: August 27th , 2015
Time: 9 PM Eastern
Fireside Chat Three: Kevin versus Kevin
Join the Honey Badgers as Karen continues the discussion with feminist Kevin Logan.
Host: Brian Martinez
Participants: Karen Straughan, Kevin Logan
Date: August 28th , 2015
Time: 3:00 PM Eastern
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