The first time Zen Men tried to set up a #gamergate meetup, social justice ideologues bullied the general manager of their chosen venue, Battle & Brew, into cancelling the reservation.
This time, Zen Men has take added steps to ensure there will be no such harassment. They’ve set up a rendezvous point at Shaw Park in Marietta, and are asking that planned attendees RSVP. Only individuals who respond and show up at the park will be told where the meetup is going to be.
If you’re interested in going to #GGinMarietta, you can read the announcement and fill out the RSVP form, which asks only for a name and email address, here:
GamerGate rendevous at Shaw Park
- There is no try, only do | HBR Talk 348 - March 27, 2025
- The absolute STATE of PROPAGANDA | HBR Talk 347 - March 20, 2025
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GG is absolutely the worst neckbeard racist patriarchy ever, you’d almost think GG were the ones being oppressed and silenced!
Go back to your home planet. You obviously have no clue about this issue.
It’s okay, Ginkgo. That was sarcasm.
Pardon my tin ear!
And my apologies, Mr. Thompsom.
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