Propaganda Level: Goebbels


propaganda_squaredYou may recognize this little nugget of precious rhetoric. This is the list of hogwash the infamous Big Red (Chanty Binx) was screaming at a Men’s Rights gathering. Yes, “Dah Patwyarchy!” “Shut the fuck up for the fiftieth billionth time” oh yes….. We are going to deconstruct this load of horse manure. I see this list crop up every now and again as it’s part of viral women dot com, otherwise known as “Women’s Rights News.” You may want to grab some popcorn and just use the page down button so you don’t get butter on the mouse. I am going to systematically prove that this entire list is the single rankest collection of lies ever told in a single document. I’ll do it with my usual straight forward “Now let me tell you why that’s bullshit” way of doing things.


“Feminists do not want you to lose custody of your children. the assumption that women are naturally better caregivers is part of the Patriarchy” – no, its due to the tender years doctrine, created by a feminist: Caroline Norton.

Historically the English Family Law gave custody of the children to the father, in case of divorce. Until the nineteenth century the women had few individual rights, most of their rights being derived through their fathers or husbands. In the early nineteenth century, Mrs. Caroline Norton, a prominent British feminist, social reformer author, journalist, and society beauty began to campaign for the right of women to have custody of their children. Norton, who had undergone a divorce and been deprived of her children, worked with the politicians of those times and eventually was able to convince the British Parliament to enact legislation to protect mothers’ rights. The result was the Custody of Infants Act 1839, which gave some discretion to the judge in a child custody case and established a presumption of maternal custody for children under the age of seven years. In 1873 the Parliament extended the presumption of maternal custody until a child reached sixteen years of age.

Furthermore, the national organization for women, the single largest feminist organization in the world, openly opposes shared parenting legislature – as they admit to doing on this own website.

A-00330 and S-291 – Presumption of Joint Custody / Shared Parenting for Minor Children March 2005

You people are terrible at lying.

“Feminists don’t like commercials in which bumbling dads mess up the laundry and competent wives have to bustle in and fix it. The assumption that women are naturally better housekeepers is part of patriarchy.”

I have yet to hear a man complain that men are painted as inept …. at laundry. Plenty of other commercials which are grotesquely sexist against men, inept at laundry….. waaaaaaay down the list. I care more about how many of my socks go missing slightly more than I care about being assumed to be inept at doing laundry. I have a greater emotional response to my favorite cereal…. If you think being painted as inept at doing laundry…. is something men care about a great deal – there is no hope for you. More over, you don’t seem to be oppose, publicly, to anything biased which is said about men. So while you claim you supposedly do not “like” the current state of affairs, you certainly aren’t doing anything about it.

“Feminists do not want you to have to make alimony payments. Alimony is set up to combat the fact that women have been historically expected to prioritize domestic duties over professional goals, thus minimizing their earning potential if their “traditional” marriages end. The assumption that wives should make babies instead of money is part of patriarchy.”

Well then – kindly explain that to NOW, who sent a letter to Gov Rick Scott down in Florida demanding that he veto a bill which would have eliminated lifelong alimony and celebrated his doing so.

Florida National Organization for Women
-5/2013 – FLNOW says NO to alimony bill
-5/2013 – FLNOW commends Governor for vetoing alimony bill

You people are terrible at lying.

“Feminists do not want anyone to get raped in prison. Permissiveness and jokes about rape are part of rape culture, which is part of patriarchy.”

Oh – really now? How about the feminist push to NOT put women in prison when guilty of the same crime as men?

Jezebel “Should We Stop Putting Women in Prison?”

“O’Brien writes that some members of Britan’s House of Lords are advocating that the U.K. do just that: stop imprisoning women, full stop. It’s a move mainly supported by the House’s female members, including Baroness Jean Corston, who in 2007 put out a report on the ways that English women are made especially vulnerable by the penal system. She didn’t exactly argue that no woman should be in prison, but pointed out that in a system designed by and mostly stocked with men, women’s needs weren’t really being considered.”

Daily Mail “Janet Street-Porter: Vicky Pryce and why we shouldn’t send women to jail”

“Most are serving sentences of less than six months, but almost half will re-offend within a year of release. Not only are they learning nothing from their incarceration, the mindless cycle of self-abuse, petty crime, minor drug offences and receiving stolen goods will continue as before. No lessons have been learnt.

More than half the women in jail have been in care and many have been the victims of domestic or childhood abuse (double the number of men). Over the course of a year, 10,000 women — more than half of whom are mums — will be sent to jail for a short period of time, resulting in 17,000 children being separated from their mothers, causing huge upset and disruption and stigmatising the totally innocent.”

BBC News “Women’s prisons should close, says justice taskforce”

“Women should not be sent to prison and should instead serve community sentences, according to a new report by the Women’s Justice Taskforce. The focus should be on health, housing and treatment for drug addiction to reduce reoffending, its report said. It called for a director of women’s justice to be appointed to provide “clear leadership and accountability”.”

For future references: the reason women serve such small sentences compared to men to begin with: is because they’re rarely held culpable for the crimes they commit. Unless one wishes to argue that women in America are significantly more dangerous than those in the UK: than we should expect to see similar sentencing proceedings of female criminals in the United Kingdom as we do in America.

Michigan Law: University of Michigan “Prof. Starr’s research shows large unexplained gender disparities in federal criminal cases”

“If you’re a criminal defendant, it may help—a lot—to be a woman. At least, that’s what Prof. Sonja Starr’s research on federal criminal cases suggests. Prof. Starr’s recent paper, “Estimating Gender Disparities in Federal Criminal Cases,” looks closely at a large dataset of federal cases, and reveals some significant findings. After controlling for the arrest offense, criminal history, and other prior characteristics, “men receive 63% longer sentences on average than women do,” and “[w]omen are…twice as likely to avoid incarceration if convicted.” This gender gap is about six times as large as the racial disparity that Prof. Starr found in another recent paper.

There are other studies that have shown gender disparity in criminal cases, but not as pronounced as Prof. Starr’s findings. This is because she is looking at “a larger swath of the criminal justice process” in her analysis, she said. The paper states, “Existing studies have typically focused on single stages of the criminal process in isolation”—in particular, the judge’s final sentencing decision. These studies compare actual sentencing outcomes after controlling for the recommended sentence associated with the defendant’s ultimate conviction. The problem with this, Starr explains, is that “the key control variable is itself the result of a host of discretionary decisions made earlier in the justice process”—including prosecutors’ charging and plea-bargaining decisions. Starr’s research incorporates disparities found at those earlier stages, and finds that “more disparity is introduced at each phase of the justice process.”

How about this: you’re supposedly against jokes about rape and don’t want men to be raped in prison. Well how about you NOT make it less illegal for women to rape men?

Honey Badger Brigade “Rape Culture” by Observing Libertarian

“Detecting the Scope of Rape : A Review of Prevalence Research Methods. Author: Mary P. Koss.
Journal of Interpersonal Violence Volume: 8 Issue: 2 Dated: (June 1993) Page: 206

“Although consideration of male victims is within the scope of the legal statutes, it is important to restrict the term rape to instances where male victims were penetrated by offenders. It is inappropriate to consider as a rape victim a man who engages in unwanted sexual intercourse with a woman.”

Read that again a few times if you need to. Pay attention, “instances where male victims were penetrated by offenders”, so if a woman uses an object or her fingers to penetrate a man’s mouth or anus it is in fact still rape. However: if a woman uses force, threats/coercion (such gunpoint like the Ciera Ross case above) to force a man to put him penis in her or someone else , despite his protestations or forces it in herself such as if he is unconscious from alcohol or date rape drugs… It’s not rape. Why? Simple: “It is inappropriate to consider as a rape victim a man who engages in unwanted sexual intercourse with a woman.” I think most reasonable, rational, logical people would unanimously exclaim from the rooftops that “unwanted sexual intercourse”, when you have said no, is in fact Rape, wouldn’t they?

Thanks to feminist Mary P. Koss’s work with the CDC, “no means no” no longer applies to men. FEMINIST: Mary P. Koss isn’t just a “Rape Apologist”, she’s a full blown, verified, shameless “Victim Blamer“. She quite clearly in the same sentence, of her own written work, in an official document of the Department of Justice: National Criminal Justice Reference Service, absolves Women of raping men by exclaiming males raped by women are not victims of Rape. In the same sentence she, a feminist, exclaims that the victims “unwanted sexual intercourse” are NOT victims of Rape: provided the victim is male and the perpetrator is female. She does more than simply blame the VICTIM, she absolves the PERPETRATOR.”

So let me get this straight…. Feminists don’t want men to be raped in prison: but they’ve made it less illegal for a woman to rape a man than for a man to rape a woman and they want men to be the only ones who GO to prison? In spite of the fact that women already serve less than half the time men do for the same crime: and in spite of the fact women are twice as likely to avoid prison terms if convicted?

You people are terrible at lying.

“Feminists do not want anyone to be falsely accused of rape. False rape accusations discredit rape victims, which reinforces rape culture, which is part of the patriarchy.”

Well then – would you kindly stop trying to let false accusers get off after being convicted of having intentionally falsely accused someone?

The Guardian “Trainee barrister jailed for false rape claims”

“Sentencing Rhiannon Brooker, 30, to three and half years, the judge Julian Lambert said she had acted in an “utterly wicked” way and argued that false claims made it more difficult for real rape victims to be believed in court.

There was anger from women’s rights campaigners who claimed that such severe sentences would put off rape victims from going to the police for fear they could face prosecution if allegations were not proven. There were cries of “Shame” and “Miscarriage of justice” as Brooker’s sentence was handed down.

Brooker’s former partner Paul Fensome, a railway signalman, was held behind bars for 37 days after she accused him of a string of rapes and assaults. While in custody, Fensome was held in a secure wing after rumours went around that he was a paedophile. He has since received £38,000 compensation.

Alibis, evidence from Fensome’s phone and his work shift patterns undermined Brooker’s accounts. Injuries were judged to have been self-inflicted and the police dropped their investigations into Fensome and turned their attention on Brooker.

Brooker initially told police she had made false accusations. But when she was charged with perverting the course of justice she retracted her confession. She was found guilty of 12 offences relating to false allegations of five rapes, six assaults and one false imprisonment.”

TIME “Cover Stories Behavior: When Is It RAPE?”

“Comins argues that men who are unjustly accused can sometimes gain from the experience. “They have a lot of pain, but it is not a pain that I would necessarily have spared them. I think it ideally initiates a process of self-exploration. ‘How do I see women?’ ‘If I didn’t violate her, could I have?’ ‘Do I have the potential to do to her what they say I did?’ Those are good questions.”

Taken to extremes, there is an ugly element of vengeance at work here. Rape , is an abuse of power. But so are false accusations of rape, and to suggest that men whose reputations are destroyed might benefit because it will make them more sensitive is an attitude that is sure to backfire on women who are seeking justice for all victims. On campuses where the issue is most inflamed, male students are outraged that their names can be scrawled on a bathroom-wall list of rapists and they have no chance to tell their side of the story.”

Catherine Comins, by the way, this same woman who said she would not spare a man from being falsely accused of rape…. she helped draft the Violence Against Women Act.

You cannot -stop- a crime if you actively campaign and lobby against that crime being punished….

You people are terrible at lying.

“Feminists do not want you to be lonely and we do not hate “nice guys.” the idea that certain people are inherently more valuable than other people because of superficial physical attributes is part of patriarchy.”


…..really….? *blank stare*…. really?

feminspire “Nice Guy Syndrome And The Friend Zone”

“It’s honestly one of the biggest loads of crap I’ve ever heard. Nice Guys are arrogant, egotistical, selfish douche bags who run around telling the world about how they’re the perfect boyfriend and they’re just so nice. But you know what? If these guys were genuinely nice, they wouldn’t be saying things like “the bitch stuck me in the friend zone because she only likes assholes.” Guess what? If she actually only liked assholes, then she would likely be super attracted to you because you are one.”

Feministing “Regarding ‘Nice Guys’ and ‘Why Women Only Date Jerks’- A Critique of a Masculine Victim-Cult”

“We have to separate ‘nice guy’ and ‘good guy’ from ‘submissively polite guy’. You can be assertive and nice, and it seems like some people confuse being a nice guy with being a sycophant or a clingy dude. Have your own thing, do your own thing, but don’t be a self-absorbed douche; this is the essence of being a nice guy without being ‘clingy’. Assertiveness and confidence do not equate to aggression and self-absorption; kindness and respect do not equate to submissiveness and passivity.

It’s also important to realize that being a nice guy doesn’t entitle you to sex. Nothing does. Ever. Being resentful about the lack of sexing for your nice guy persona isn’t cool. In fact, if you have this sense of entitlement, whereby being a nice guy should get you laid, or being a nice guy is a strategy towards getting laid, you aren’t a nice guy. This reminds me of something in this pic that really irks me. This writer acts like being someone’s best friend is an insult. If she’s calling you her best friend, that’s a compliment–not necessarily one that will lead to sex, but if your interest in her as a person is based around wanting to get in her pants, you’re a terrible friend. If you regard being called a ‘best friend’ as some sort of pity prize or second-rate thing, then clearly you don’t value that friendship very much, and if you don’t value the friendship very much, and only see this girl as a source of romance and sex, then you’re probably not really a nice guy to begin with–just a more passive aggressive form of jerk.”

Gradient Lair “Nice Guys™ and Feminism”

“The Nice Guys™ that are passive aggressive and entitled and that many women despise in interpersonal and social contexts seem to get college degrees and then become male feminists in the media/sociopolitical spheres. And then they move into that “progressive” space to get the accolades and attention that they cannot get otherwise. That way, they can finally get the attention they need since because of that same male privilege that fuels their nice guy entitlement in the first place, they usually have to inflict a high level of harm before they are ever critiqued by some feminists. In addition, they can also continue to deride the men that they are intimidated by and whose social power they could not usurp in high school because of patriarchy–the “athletes” and the “jerks” that they think get “all” the women (while they never examine how they themselves are jerks).”

the fatal feminist “Nice Guy”

“On verge of murder, I deliberated whether it was best to retain a steely boiling silence or ceremoniously throw my coffee up his nose. He was of course passively manipulative, hoping to shame me into submission by evoking sympathy. Masquerading manipulation as desirability to engender a potentially sexual relationship is a pattern consistent with both abhorrent Nice Guys and the assholes from whom they claim to differ. This is because they are the same asshole, the only distinction being Nice Guys incorporate themselves into the “nice guy” category to champion the delusion that “women don’t like nice guys”, conveniently avoiding any unpleasant realization that they themselves are assholes: petulant, passive aggressive, and manipulative. In their thinly veiled true arrogance they expect a woman to sleep with them for “being nice” the criteria of which includes but is not limited to opening doors, pulling out chairs, paying for dinner, other shit you never asked for, and not forgetting your birthday.”

WTF (What the Feminist) “Why Nice Guys aren’t actually nice”

“There’s a million and one things wrong with this reaction. First of all, holy entitlement Batman. Like I said before, the act of being nice does not automatically entitle someone to sexual favors or romantic involvement as a result. The woman is not obligated to fulfill those demands. And they are indeed demands, no matter how you slice it. Also, the statement “all women are bitches” isn’t going to get anyone any brownie points; mass generalizations generally do not help one’s case. Neither does telling all women that they’re lying when they say they want a nice guy, and by proxy telling that one woman that she’s lying to them. It’s not that she doesn’t want a nice guy; she doesn’t want you. Which, yeah, sucks completely, but if that’s how you’re going to react I don’t fucking blame her; she certainly doesn’t want a Nice Guy complaining that she’s not fulfilling an obligation that she never agreed to in the first place.”

Page…. after page….. after page …… Feminists complaining about nice guys and saying no nice guy is actually nice. Well guess what: I’m a nice guy and I’m not interested in YOU, because you’re disgusting and repugnant.

You people are terrible at lying.

“Feminists do not want you to have to pay for dinner. We want the opportunity to achieve financial success on par with men in any field we choose (and are qualified for), and the fact that we currently don’t is part of patriarchy. The idea that men should coddle and provide for women, and/or purchase their affections in romantic contexts, is condescending and damage part of patriarchy.”

Metro “Why women should never go halves on a date”

“Despite being a feminist and despite being more than capable of affording my own dinner, I still want a man to pay for me on dates.

The first time I realised this was during a date in Islington.
We’d been chatting on when he asked me out to lunch.
At first it seemed perfect – there he was, waiting for me at the Tube turnstiles, chatting as if we were old friends then leading me to a lovely book shop/cafe.
The barista asked us both what we wanted.
He replied quickly ‘coffee’ and paid for his. I had to buy my own chamomile tea.
No, I did not reply to his subsequent emails.”

You were saying? Oh, you want more? No problem…

Forbes “Men Should Pay on First Dates and That Does Not Undermine Feminism”

“As women make huge huge gains in family medical leave and gaining seats on corporate boards and in Congress, dating expectations barely budge. The status quo is that men pay on first dates. Last week NerdWallet released the results of a survey that found 77 percent of straight people believe men should pay on first dates — a sentiment held by 82 percent of men and 72 percent of women. I am one of those women. I have no financial reason not to pay for my own $29 grilled farm-raised salmon on a first outing with a man. But I really, really prefer if he cooly assumes the bill and slips the server his Visa.”

And by the way:

“A first date is about sex. Whether or not you are open to hooking up on a first counter is irrelevant. We marry for romantic love and date as a means of vetting others for romantic chemistry.”

You said “purchase their affections in romantic contexts, is condescending and damage part of patriarchy.” – gee…. guess that’s not really true now is it? Well that’s just two examples, those are the opinions of the individual authors, that’s not real feminism…. Ok…. ok…. Fine. You asked for it.

Bustle “Can You Be A Feminist and Still Expect Guys to Pay?”

“I am a feminist. I strongly believe in the social, political, legal, and economic equality of men and women.

Yet, on a first date, I expect the guy to pay for me.

Of course, at the end of dinner or drinks, I’ll make a very convincing slow-motion gesture towards my wallet, which gets progressively slower until he tells me that he’s got the bill. I’ve watched myself do this and wondered — Is this lame charade at odds with feminism? Does this desire undo my other feminist behavior? Do other feminists feel this way?”

Emma Johnson “Feminist fix: How can we expect men to pay on dates then divorce them when we earn more?”

“This time last year when a perfectly pleasant round of beers wrapped up with Kevin (or was his name Sean?), it seemed obvious who would pay the bill. It’s the classic little dance: The woman makes a perfunctory offer to pay, knowing full well that the man will get the check. Instead, Sean (or was his name Kevin?) casually suggested we split the tab, and that’s what we did.

And I was pissed! I mean, dude, I’m totally cuter and younger than you are, and unless I misread something, you found me to be smart and charming. So pick up the damn bill, Kevin/Sean/whatever your name was!

But I hesitate to share that thought here. After all, I fall into the ranks of educated, professional urbanite, left-leaning and moderately feminist. In other words, I make my own money and am looking for a guy who digs my mind and wit. So where do I get off expecting chivalry based on the assumption of my economic inferiority and need to be cared for? Despite plenty of logical explanations of why I should buy my own drink, I still couldn’t shake the notion that the guy pays for the first date. So I decided to find out what’s going on in the dating world—and why we pay (or don’t) the way we do.”

The Date Report “Can You Be a Feminist and Still Let Your Date Pick Up the Check?”

“So where does this leave us? Can a woman allow a man to pay on the first date and still call herself a feminist? The short answer is yes. “Part of the thing about being a feminist is recognizing that we live in a very patriarchal culture and so, it is not unreasonable to expect that your date is going to want to do that,” says Angyal. “I think there’s a difference between expecting them to and wanting them to.”

Hello Giggles “My Inner Feminist vs. My Inner Princess”

“A few months ago I went on my first date with a nice gentleman I had met through mutual friends.

When it came time to pay for the bill, I fought long and hard—as I always do—and to my surprise, he let me pay for dinner. At first I was like, oh okay – that’s kinda cool, I guess he respects my independence and I dig that. About thirty seconds later, I decided there wouldn’t be a second date. No goodnight kiss. Nothing. Ever. It was over before it even began.

I started questioning my identity. Why did I fight to pay for the bill then feel disappointed? In a society where generations have worked so hard to gain equality for women, are there still rules? Can we have expectations? Did feminism kill chivalry?”

Women’s Health “You’re a Feminist… So Why Don’t You Date Like One?”

“I think this phenomenon can partially be explained by how women interpret what it means to be ‘treated,'” explains Kathleen Bogle, Ph.D., director of Women’s Studies at La Salle University and author of Hooking Up: Sex, Dating, and Relationships on Campus. “If a man really likes you, women think: he’ll ask me out, he’ll initiate a text to say he had a great time on the date, he’ll ask me out again. And, if a man likes you a lot, he will take you to a nice restaurant and treat to everything,” says Bogle.
Women in the study echoed this concept, saying they used chivalry as a litmus test for a man’s character. If he was willing to pay for dinner and open doors for her, it was a signal that he was respectful and caring.”

Is that enough yet?

You people are terrible at lying.

“Feminists do not want you to be maimed or killed in industrial accidents, or toil in coal mines while we do cushy secretarial work and various yarn-themed activities. the fact that women have long been shut out of dangerous industrial jobs (by men, by the way) is part of patriarchy.”

….uh huh…. I have no doubt you don’t want men to be injured in such jobs: because injured slaves aren’t productive slaves.

Staked in the Heart “Do Any Women Work at the Dirty, Difficult and Dangerous Jobs that Men Do? Any Women At All?”

“There seems to be some confusion as to what a “Dirty, Difficult and Dangerous job” is—obviously from people who don’t work at such jobs.

The DDD jobs require hard physical labor in an unpleasant, dangerous environment, like being suspended 1000s of feet in the air or stuck miles underground in an airless tunnel. The conditions are often torturous, like roasting heat or frigid cold. The job itself, the equipment and/or environment is so hazardous there are routine worker injuries or deaths.

The DDD jobs aren’t in offices, beauty salons, at the mall, restaurants, or other climate controlled environments where the most dangerous piece of equipment is the cash register.

Women are 52% of the population. If they were holding their own—like feminists claim they can—we would see equal numbers of men and women working at the DDD jobs. We don’t.

Discrimination based on gender is illegal in the U.S. If a woman applies to work as a logger or iron worker, and is even semi-qualified has a pulse, the company must hire her. Women aren’t working at the DDD jobs because they are being “discriminated against.”

Women don’t work at these jobs because they aren’t applying for them. “

We’ve had anti-discrimination laws for a very long time. Any woman’s who’s qualified and applying for an open position will be hired. Women aren’t applying to such positions. By the way – feminist talk at length about how most elected officials are men: which means the anti discrimination legislatures – were all signed into law, BY MEN. So you can keep your comment about “patriarchy” preventing women out of dangerous professions.

You people are terrible at lying.

“Feminists do not want you to commit suicide. Any pressures and expectations that lower the quality of life of any gander are part of patriarchy. The fact that depression is characterized as an effeminate weakness, making men less likely to seek treatment, is part of patriarchy.”

Oh, so that wasn’t a group of feminists protesting a men’s conference specifically about male suicide….

[youtube]Oh wait, no, it was. It was EXACTLY THAT. That is what feminists did. They tried to prevent the conference from occurring at all. So you know what – when your fellow feminists attempt to prevent and interrupt a conference on male suicide: you don’t get to make the claim that “feminists don’t want you to commit suicide.” Apparently you do, you absolutely, positively, unabashedly do in fact want men to kill themselves. More over, until you collectively condemn those feminists who did this: you prove you DO in fact want men to commit suicide, and apparently as many as possible.

Also, you mean to say that wasn’t you feminists calling men’s rights activists weak by referring to them as “whiny piss babies” all this time?

Huffington post “Why the Men’s Rights Movement Is Garbage”

“Instead, they are crying about feminism, pooh-poohing the idea of patriarchy and generally making the world a sadder, scarier, less safe place to live in. In fact, I would argue that their stupid antics are actually a detriment to the causes that they claim to espouse, because they’re creating an association between actual real issues that men face and their disgusting buffoonery. So good job, MRAs. Way to screw vulnerable men over in your quest to prove that feminism is evil. I hope you’re all really proud of yourselves.

The Men’s Rights Movement is not “feminism for men.” It’s not some kind of complimentary activism meant to help promote equal treatment of men and women. And it most certainly is not friendly towards women, unless we’re talking about women with crippling cases of internalized misogyny.
I believe in equality for men and women, but I also believe that we’re not born with an even playing field. Women still face disenfranchisement, discrimination and a lack of basic freedoms and rights, and although feminism has done a lot of great work over the last century or so, we still haven’t undone several millennia’s worth of social programming and oppression.”

Jezebel “No, I Will Not Take the Men’s Rights Movement Seriously”

“If the manosphere does anything positive for men (I would posit that it doesn’t—that reinforcing gender divides and “traditional” masculinity is as harmful to men as it is to women, and that happiness based on the exploitation of others is not real happiness at all—but that’s subjective to a degree), it does so deliberately and vindictively at the expense of women. This is not a legitimate political or social movement; it is a hate group. And no matter how loud and aggressive it gets, no matter how much mainstream coverage it garners, no thinking person should take it seriously.”

Not Sorry Feminism “MRAs Are The Worst “

“No, seriously, they are the worst. They are the worst for women, they are the worst for men, they are the worst for people of all other genders and those who have no gender. They are bad for humanity in general, and probably not great for plants and animals, either.”

“We don’t want you to commit suicide or anything, we just find it really funny when we abuse you.” Thanks, Jezebel.

Jezebel “Have You Ever Beat Up A Boyfriend? Cause, Uh, We Have”

“According to a study of relationships that engage in nonreciprocal violence, a whopping 70% are perpetrated by women. So basically that means that girls are beating up their BFs and husbands and the dudes aren’t fighting back. With Amy Winehouse busting open a can of whupass on her husband last week, we decided to conduct an informal survey of the Jezebels to see who’s gotten violent with their men. After reviewing the answers, let’s just say that it’d be wise to never ever fuck with us.

One Jezebel got into it with a dude while they were breaking up, while another Jez went nuts on her guy and began violently shoving him. One of your editors heard her boyfriend flirting on the phone with another girl, so she slapped the phone out of his hands and hit him in the face and neck… “partially open handed.” Another editor slapped a guy when “he told me he thought he had breast cancer.” (Okay, that one made us laugh really hard.) And lastly, one Jez punched a steady in the face and broke his glasses. He had discovered a sex story she was writing about another dude on her laptop, so he picked it up and threw it. And that’s when she socked him. He was, uh, totally asking for it.”

Or how about when feminists interrupted a forum about battered husbands?

[youtube]How about when you try to make it impossible to charge women with rape, never mind if they actually commit the crime – make it impossible for a woman to even be charged!

The Jerusalem Post “Women’s groups: Cancel law charging women with rape!”

“The Knesset Law Committee on Tuesday decided to postpone a vote on second and third reading of a bill to add the crime of rape by a woman to the statute book after women’s organizations warned that it would lead to a situation where women would be afraid to charge men with rape.

According to the proposal, an amendment to the Penal Law, a woman who causes or makes it possible for a person to insert his (or her) bodily organ or an object into her sexual organ will be charged with rape, forbidden intercourse by consent, sodomy or sex offenses within the family, depending on the circumstances of the act.

The law applies to women who perform the above on adult men and women, as well as on minors of either sex.”

Toy Soldiers “A Sad Day For Male Rape Victims In India”

“Several weeks ago, I wrote about the Indian government’s reaction to lobbying for changes to their rape statutes. I noted in the piece that women’s groups in India opposed changing the statute from “rape” to “sexual assault” because it included women as potential rapists. Their argument was that rape is an expression of patriarchal power, therein making it impossible for women to rape men, and that men accused of rape would simply accuse the women of rape, both of which are typical feminist arguments against acknowledging male victimization.

It appears the Indian government bowed to the women’s groups demands:

Bowing to pressure from women activists, the government has decided to restore the term rape in criminal law that states only men can be booked for committing the offense against women. It has also decided to lower the age of consent for sex from 18 to 16 years. These are fresh changes proposed by the Centre in its criminal laws (amendment) bill, which will replace the rape ordinance issued on February 3. […] The [JS Verma] panel — set up to look into rape laws after the December 16 Delhi gang rape — had recommended that the offense be kept gender-specific and the age for consensual sex be retained at 16 years in the Indian Penal Code (IPC). In its ordinance, however, the government replaced the term rape with sexual assault, stating that any ‘person’ can commit the offense.

Honey Badger Brigade “Rape Culture” by Observing Libertarian

“Detecting the Scope of Rape : A Review of Prevalence Research Methods. Author: Mary P. Koss.
Journal of Interpersonal Violence Volume: 8 Issue: 2 Dated: (June 1993) Page: 206

“Although consideration of male victims is within the scope of the legal statutes, it is important to restrict the term rape to instances where male victims were penetrated by offenders. It is inappropriate to consider as a rape victim a man who engages in unwanted sexual intercourse with a woman.”

Read that again a few times if you need to. Pay attention, “instances where male victims were penetrated by offenders”, so if a woman uses an object or her fingers to penetrate a man’s mouth or anus it is in fact still rape. However: if a woman uses force, threats/coercion (such gunpoint like the Ciera Ross case above) to force a man to put him penis in her or someone else , despite his protestations or forces it in herself such as if he is unconscious from alcohol or date rape drugs… It’s not rape. Why? Simple: “It is inappropriate to consider as a rape victim a man who engages in unwanted sexual intercourse with a woman.” I think most reasonable, rational, logical people would unanimously exclaim from the rooftops that “unwanted sexual intercourse”, when you have said no, is in fact Rape, wouldn’t they?

Thanks to feminist Mary P. Koss’s work with the CDC, “no means no” no longer applies to men. FEMINIST: Mary P. Koss isn’t just a “Rape Apologist”, she’s a full blown, verified, shameless “Victim Blamer“. She quite clearly in the same sentence, of her own written work, in an official document of the Department of Justice: National Criminal Justice Reference Service, absolves Women of raping men by exclaiming males raped by women are not victims of Rape. In the same sentence she, a feminist, exclaims that the victims “unwanted sexual intercourse” are NOT victims of Rape: provided the victim is male and the perpetrator is female. She does more than simply blame the VICTIM, she absolves the PERPETRATOR.”

“Oh, we don’t want you to commit suicide, we just want to make sure it’s legal for us to rape you, beat you and make sure you don’t talk about or accomplish any kind of support network which would make it easier for you to seek help. Then we’ll say it’s the patriarchy preventing you from seeking help.”

You people are terrible at lying.

“Feminists do not want you to be viewed with suspicion when you take your child to the park (men frequently insist that this is a serious issue, so I will take them at their word). The assumption that men are insatiable sexual animals, combined withe the idea that it’s unnatural for men to care for children, is part of patriarchy.”

Oh really? Well the Feminist slogan and nation wide campaign “Teach men not to Rape” and “teach boys Not to Rape” *REQUIRES* one act from the very premise that “that men are insatiable sexual animals”. And that, by the way, is -your- slogan that -you- carry on signs at protests all over the goddamned place.

And let’s visit the ghosts of feminists past shall we?

“Rape is nothing more or less than a conscious process of intimidation by which all men keep all women in a state of fear” ~ Susan Brownmiller

“In a patriarchal society, all heterosexual intercourse is rape because women, as a group, are not strong enough to give meaningful consent.” ~ Catherine MacKinnon

“Sex is the cross on which women are crucified … Sex can only be adequately defined as universal rape.” ~ Hodee Edwards

“Compare victims’ reports of rape with women’s reports of sex. They look a lot alike….[T]he major distinction between intercourse (normal) and rape (abnormal) is that the normal happens so often that one cannot get anyone to see anything wrong with it.” ~ Catherine MacKinnon, quoted in Christina Hoff Sommers, “Hard-Line Feminists Guilty of Ms.-Representation,” Wall Street Journal, November 7, 1991.

“The fact is that the process of killing – both rape and battery are steps in that process- is the prime sexual act for men in reality and/or in imagination.”. ~ Andrea Dworkin, Letters from a War Zone, p. 22..

“Man’s discovery that his genitalia could serve as a weapon to generate fear must rank as one of the most important discoveries of prehistoric times, along with the use of fire, and the first crude stone axe.” ~ Susan Brownmiller, Against Our Will: Men, Women, and Rape, p. 5..

“AIDS education will not get very far until young men are taught how not to rape young women and how to eroticize trust and consent; and until young women are supported in the way they need to be redefining their desires.” ~ Naomi Wolf, The Beauty Myth, p. 168.

“Romance is rape embellished with meaningful looks.” ~ Andrea Dworkin in the Philadelphia Inquirer, May 21, 1995..

“All men benefit from rape, because all men benefit from the fact that women are not free in this society; that women cower; that women are afraid; that women cannot assert the rights that we have, limited as those rights are, because of the ubiquitous presence of rape.” ~ Andrea Dworkin, Letters from a War Zone, p. 142..

“We have long known that rape has been a way of terrorizing us and keeping us in subjection. Now we also know that we have participated, although unwittingly, in the rape of our minds.” ~ Historian Gerda Lerner in Who Stole Feminism: How Women Have Betrayed Women, p. 55..

“As long as some men use physical force to subjugate females, all men need not. The knowledge that some men do suffices to threaten all women. He can beat or kill the woman he claims to love; he can rape women…he can sexually molest his daughters… THE VAST MAJORITY OF MEN IN THE WORLD DO ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE.” ~ Marilyn French

“All sex, even consensual sex between a married couple, is an act of violence perpetrated against a woman.” ~ Catherine MacKinnon

“The media treat male assaults on women like rape, beating, and murder of wives and female lovers, or male incest with children, as individual aberrations…obscuring the fact that all male violence toward women is part of a concerted campaign.” ~ Marilyn French

“Men are rapists, batterers, plunderers, killers; these same men are religious prophets, poets, heroes, figures of romance, adventure, accomplishment, figures ennobled by tragedy and defeat. Men have claimed the earth, called it “Her”. Men ruin Her. Men have airplanes, guns, bombs, poisonous gases, weapons so perverse and deadly that they defy any authentically human imagination. ~ Andrea Dworkin, Pornography: Men Possessing Women

“I claim that rape exists any time sexual intercourse occurs when it has not been initiated by the woman, out of her own genuine affection and desire.” ~ Robin Morgan

“And if the professional rapist is to be separated from the average dominant heterosexual (male), it may be mainly a quantitative difference.” ~ Susan Griffin, Rape: The All-American Crime.

“(Rape) is nothing more or less than a conscious process of intimidation by which all men keep all women in a state of fear”. ~ Susan Brownmiller, Against Our Will p.6

“When a woman reaches orgasm with a man she is only collaborating with the patriarchal system, eroticizing her own oppression…” ~ Sheila Jeffrys.

…..oh yeah, no – feminists are totally and completely against the idea that “men are insatiable sexual animals” – yeah, ignore the academic feminists who’s books are researched as required reading in every gender studies course the world over, ignore the academic feminists who have tenured professorships in major in universities… Yeah, forget all that was never written after I’ve listed the pages and books in which they are found for many of those quotes…. Forget any of that exists: the idea that “men are insatiable sexual animals” is entirely part of patriarchy….

Also, again I have to state “the idea that it’s unnatural for men to care for children” is not part of some imaginary illuminat- wait, ancient ali, no, hold on I know it. The Free Maso… dammit, what was it? Oh yeah, the Bilgerber fuck that’s not it either. There’s just so many conspiracy theories these days it’s hard to keep them straight. Let me scroll up and come back…. Oh yeah, patriarchy, that’s the one. Now where was I. Ahem, right. It’s not part of some imaginary patriarchy! It comes from the Tender Years Doctrine, written by Caroline Norton and put into law by the women’s suffrage in England.

Not to mention what Feminists publicly state about men…

“I believe that women have a capacity for understanding and compassion which a man structurally does not have, does not have it because he cannot have it. He’s just incapable of it.” ~ Former Congresswoman Barbara Jordan

“The newest variations on this distressingly ancient theme center on hormones and DNA: men are biologically aggressive; their fetal brains were awash in androgen; their DNA, in order to perpetuate itself, hurls them into murder and rape.” ~ Andrea Dworkin, Letters from a War Zone, p. 114..

“One can know everything and still be unable to accept the fact that sex and murder are fused in the male consciousness, so that the one without the imminent possibly of the other is unthinkable and impossible.” ~ Andrea Dworkin, Letters from a War Zone, p. 21..

“In everything men make, they hollow out a central place for death, let its rancid smell contaminate every dimension of whatever still survives. Men especially love murder. In art they celebrate it, and in life they commit it. They embrace murder as if life without it would be devoid of passion, meaning, and action, as if murder were solace, still their sobs as they mourn the empitness and alienation of their lives.” ~ Andrea Dworkin, Letters from a War Zone, p. 214..

“You grow up with your father holding you down and covering your mouth so another man can make a horrible searing pain between your legs.” ~ Catherine MacKinnon (Prominent legal feminist scholar; University of Michigan, & Yale.)

“I was, in reality, bred by my parents as my father’s concubine… What we take for granted as the stability of family life may well depend on the sexual slavery of our children. What’s more, this is a cynical arrangement our institutions have colluded to conceal.”. ~ Journalist Sylvia Fraser

No – feminists are totally and completely against “the idea that it’s unnatural for men to care for children”. Yeah, ignore the academic feminists who’s books are researched as required reading in every gender studies course the world over. Ignore the academic feminists who have tenured professorships in major in universities… Yeah, forget all that was ever written….. after I’ve listed the pages and books in which they are found for many of those quotes…. Forget any of that exists: “the idea that it’s unnatural for men to care for children” is entirely part of patriarchy….

You people are terrible at lying.

“Feminists do not want you to be drafted and then die in a war while we stay at home and iron stuff. The idea that women are too weak to fight or too delicate to function in a military setting is part of patriarchy.”

…..really? Well, in Switzerland in 2014 they voted on whether or not to keep conscription for men. This means women were able to vote on whether or not military service is compulsory for men. Despite not having to participate in conscription themselves, the majority of women voted to keep conscription compulsory for men.

By the way, the Equal Rights Act – which has come up for vote several times and was opposed by feminist groups: would have made women eligible for the draft.

Upon its introduction, the Equal Rights Amendment stirred up debate about the direction of the ideology and tactics of the women’s movement. The National Woman’s Party supported the amendment, arguing that women should be on equal terms with men in all regards, even if that means sacrificing certain benefits given to women through protective legislation, such as shorter work hours. However, opponents of the amendment believed that these gender-based benefits protected women as they entered new spheres, such as the work industry, and that the loss of such protection would not be worth the supposed gain in equality. In 1924, The Forum hosted a debate between Doris Stevens and Alice Hamilton concerning these two perspectives on the proposed amendment.

Esther Peterson, a feminist and the highest-ranking woman in the Kennedy administration, publicly opposed the Equal Rights Amendment which she thought might weaken protective labor legislation.

And let’s not forget the Suffragettes publicly shaming young men into joining the military so that they could be pressured into fighting in WW I. The original white feather campaign. Where suffragettes would approach any young man in publicly who wasn’t in uniform and present him with a white feather as a sign of his supposed cowardice.

The Libertarian Republic “When Feminists Sent Men Off To Die”

“In 1914, British feminists and suffragettes conspired together in the Order of the White Feather to shame men into going off to be killed.

The White Feather traditionally has been a symbol of cowardice in the U.K. since the 18th century. In 1914 Admiral Charles Fitzgerald founded the Order with Mrs. Humphrey Ward in order to shame men by persuading women to give them a white feather if they were seen without a uniform. They also lobbied for the draft, demanding men be conscripted even if they lacked votes due to being too young or not owning property.

The group was so effective that the Home Secretary Office began to issue lapel badges to public service employees reading “King and Country” in order to prevent them from being shamed in public and indicate they served the war effort.

The Silver War Badge was distributed to service personnel who had been honorably discharged to prevent war veterans out of uniform from being shamed by women. The campaign was very unpopular with men at the time due to fathers who stayed home with their children being constantly mistakenly shamed by the Order.”

Oh my yes, it is awful when the ghosts of feminists past bite you in the ass isn’t it?

You people are terrible at lying.

“Feminists do not want women to escape prosecution of legitimate domestic violence charges, nor do we want men to be ridiculed for being raped or abused. The idea that women are naturally gentle and complaint and that victim-hood is inherently feminine is part of patriarchy”

I’ll just reiterate…

Jezebel “Should We Stop Putting Women in Prison?”

“O’Brien writes that some members of Britan’s House of Lords are advocating that the U.K. do just that: stop imprisoning women, full stop. It’s a move mainly supported by the House’s female members, including Baroness Jean Corston, who in 2007 put out a report on the ways that English women are made especially vulnerable by the penal system. She didn’t exactly argue that no woman should be in prison, but pointed out that in a system designed by and mostly stocked with men, women’s needs weren’t really being considered.”

Daily Mail “Janet Street-Porter: Vicky Pryce and why we shouldn’t send women to jail”

“Most are serving sentences of less than six months, but almost half will re-offend within a year of release. Not only are they learning nothing from their incarceration, the mindless cycle of self-abuse, petty crime, minor drug offences and receiving stolen goods will continue as before. No lessons have been learnt.

More than half the women in jail have been in care and many have been the victims of domestic or childhood abuse (double the number of men). Over the course of a year, 10,000 women — more than half of whom are mums — will be sent to jail for a short period of time, resulting in 17,000 children being separated from their mothers, causing huge upset and disruption and stigmatising the totally innocent.”

BBC News “Women’s prisons should close, says justice taskforce”

“Women should not be sent to prison and should instead serve community sentences, according to a new report by the Women’s Justice Taskforce. The focus should be on health, housing and treatment for drug addiction to reduce reoffending, its report said. It called for a director of women’s justice to be appointed to provide “clear leadership and accountability”.”

For future references: the reason women serve such small sentences compared to men to begin with: is because they’re rarely held culpable for the crimes they commit. Unless one wishes to argue that women in America are significantly more dangerous than those in the UK: than we should expect to see similar sentencing proceedings of female criminals in the United Kingdom as we do in America.

Michigan Law: University of Michigan “Prof. Starr’s research shows large unexplained gender disparities in federal criminal cases”

“If you’re a criminal defendant, it may help—a lot—to be a woman. At least, that’s what Prof. Sonja Starr’s research on federal criminal cases suggests. Prof. Starr’s recent paper, “Estimating Gender Disparities in Federal Criminal Cases,” looks closely at a large dataset of federal cases, and reveals some significant findings. After controlling for the arrest offense, criminal history, and other prior characteristics, “men receive 63% longer sentences on average than women do,” and “[w]omen are…twice as likely to avoid incarceration if convicted.” This gender gap is about six times as large as the racial disparity that Prof. Starr found in another recent paper.

There are other studies that have shown gender disparity in criminal cases, but not as pronounced as Prof. Starr’s findings. This is because she is looking at “a larger swath of the criminal justice process” in her analysis, she said. The paper states, “Existing studies have typically focused on single stages of the criminal process in isolation”—in particular, the judge’s final sentencing decision. These studies compare actual sentencing outcomes after controlling for the recommended sentence associated with the defendant’s ultimate conviction. The problem with this, Starr explains, is that “the key control variable is itself the result of a host of discretionary decisions made earlier in the justice process”—including prosecutors’ charging and plea-bargaining decisions. Starr’s research incorporates disparities found at those earlier stages, and finds that “more disparity is introduced at each phase of the justice process.”

The Violence Against Women Act was created to deal with domestic violence against women…. in spite of the fact that men are more likely to be victims of domestic violence. More over, under VAWA many states have put into place Mandatory Arrest Laws – which lead to an increase of female arrests. Feminists didn’t like that: so the Duluth Model of Domestic Violence was created. This “model” ignores all evidence of reality collected by the CDC, FBI, IPV surveys, etc. etc: Which all state unequivocally that women abuse men more often than men abuse women. Ignores all of that and proclaims domestic violence is a man beating a defenseless woman.

Now you may want to question me about that: however – lets get the answer directly from the horses mouth. The Duluth Model – Frequently Asked Questions. Scroll down to the second from the bottom “Is the Duluth Model evidence-based?”. Their answer….

“The Duluth Model approach for intervening with men who batter is the most widely-used approach in the world. It has influenced and shaped much of national and state-level policy around batterer intervention and domestic violence work. The effect of intervening with complex social problems is very difficult to evaluate. Click here to read some of the research supporting the Duluth Model.”

It is not evidence based: the research they present doesn’t even go into one critical study on gender of offenders. Their list of research articles doesn’t have a single example to show which suggests men commit domestic violence more often than women: yet the entire duluth model does absolutely nothing but pitch men as being abusers and women as being victims. It’s a piece of propaganda devoid of reality, and feminists used it to lobby for “Predominant Aggressor” policy. By using “Predominate Aggressor” policy, law enforcement could neglect to arrest women in dual arrests even if they were in fact the offender. If both parties are being violent, even if the woman is the abuser and the man the victim – Predominate Aggressor policy says (according to the Duluth model) that men are abusers and therefore the man should be the one who is arrested.

Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology. Volume 98, Issue 1 Fall of 2007. Article 6.
Domestic Violence and Mandatory Arrest Laws: To What Extent Do They Influence Police Arrest Decisions

“In some cases, dual arrests may be the result of legislation, department policies, or both failing to require officers to identify the primary aggressor.In addition, when such provisions are present, police may lack the training or information needed to identify the primary aggressor when responding to a domestic violence assault. This situation may be compounded by batterers who have become increasingly adept at manipulating the criminal justice system, and may make efforts to “pre-empt” victims from notifying police in order to further control or retaliate against them.23

Current political and organizational pressure may discourage officers from arresting women as aggressors, and, unsure what to do, the officers may arrest both parties. This observation is supported by some of the existing research. A 1999 study conducted in Boulder found that male victims were three times more likely than female victims to be arrested along with the offender.24 Similarly, a study of three Massachusetts towns revealed that male victims were five times more likely than female victims to be the subjects of a dual arrest.”

VAWA in conjunction with the Duluth model are tools being used to put political pressure on police departments to arrest men for domestic violence: even when they’re the victims. Are 82% of women (all non-feminist) signing petitions to repeal The Violence Against Women Act? No. There are female men’s rights activists, and there are women in various groups which speak out against VAWA excess. Such as W.A.V.E. Women Against VAWA Excess. I would never make the assertion that there are NOT women who fight against this kind of organized and intentional unjust persecution. They are however, the minority. Wonderful people that they are, compassionate humanitarians: they are still the minority, a very small minority. Most importantly to this discussion: they’re female MRA’s and anti-feminists. No feminist groups are working against this situation, quite the opposite: they lobbied FOR this state of affairs.


“How is it that our general legal understanding of domestic violence as defined by the male abuse of women is so squarely contra-dicted by the empirical reality? Honestly answering this question re-quires tracing the history of both the theory and practice of domestic violence law. Undertaking such an exploration, one quickly finds that the “discovery” of domestic violence is rooted in the essential feminist tenet that society is controlled by an all-encompassing patriarchal structure.8 This fundamental feminist understanding of domestic violence has far-reaching implications. By dismissing the possibility of female violence, the framework of legal programs and social norms is narrowly shaped to respond only to the male abuse of women. Fe-male batterers cannot be recognized. Male victims cannot be treated. If we are to truly address the phenomenon of domestic violence, the legal response to domestic violence and the biases which underlie it must be challenged.

Through an open discussion of domestic abuse, Part I of this Arti-cle endeavors to expose the fact that domestic violence is committed by women. In so doing, I introduce to legal literature the first exten-sive account of the Family Violence Surveys and various other stud-ies completed over the last twenty-five years which have repeatedly found that men and women commit violence at similar rates.9 After exploring the tendency to deny, defend or minimize the violence of women in Part II and then arguing that female violence must be ad-dressed, I assert in Part III that today’s refusal to react is a product of the feminist control over the issue of domestic violence. Female violence presents both a threat to feminist theory as well as to the practice of domestic violence law. Notwithstanding such concerns, today’s myopic understanding of domestic violence has serious impli-cations. Limiting this examination to the criminal justice system, Part IV considers how the feminist definition of domestic violence has skewed arrest and prosecution philosophies, resulting primarily in having only male batterers criminally pursued. The Part also re-views how rehabilitative programs are geared toward treating do-mestic violence as the byproduct of a patriarchal society, thereby only producing programs which address male violence. Similarly, the services for domestic violence victims, in particular, the availability of shelters, have also been shaped by the feminist definition of do-mestic violence. In conclusion, Part V calls for challenging the exist-ing gendered definition of domestic violence and thereby demands changingour norms and institutions so that we may honestly work toward addressing and eliminating domestic violence. “

Not only do Feminists “want women to escape prosecution of legitimate domestic violence charges” , but in an article written by Murray A Straus, he details 7 methods academic feminists in the field of domestic violence has used to ensure that the Duluth Model is not challenged. By controlling what studies and material enters the public view, they can promote the narrative of domestic violence being a man beating a woman even though HUNDREDS of studies on domestic violence show that women are responsible for more domestic violence than are men.

Murray A. Straus “Processes Explaining the Concealment and Distortion of Evidence on Gender Symmetry in Partner Violence”

“Method 1. Suppress Evidence
Method 2. Avoid Obtaining Data Inconsistent with the Patriarchal Dominance Theory
Method 3. Cite Only Studies That Show Male Perpetration
Method 4. Conclude That Results Support Feminist Beliefs When They Do Not
Method 5. Create “Evidence” by Citation
Method 6. Obstruct Publication of Articles and Obstruct Funding Research That Might Contradict the Idea that Male Dominance Is the Cause of PV
Method 7. Harass, Threalen, and Penalize Researchers Who Produce Evidence That Contradicts Feminist Beliefs”

“nor do we want men to be ridiculed for being raped” – Well how about you NOT make it less illegal for women to rape men?

Honey Badger Brigade “Rape Culture” by Observing Libertarian

“Detecting the Scope of Rape : A Review of Prevalence Research Methods. Author: Mary P. Koss.
Journal of Interpersonal Violence Volume: 8 Issue: 2 Dated: (June 1993) Page: 206

“Although consideration of male victims is within the scope of the legal statutes, it is important to restrict the term rape to instances where male victims were penetrated by offenders. It is inappropriate to consider as a rape victim a man who engages in unwanted sexual intercourse with a woman.”

Read that again a few times if you need to. Pay attention, “instances where male victims were penetrated by offenders”, so if a woman uses an object or her fingers to penetrate a man’s mouth or anus it is in fact still rape. However: if a woman uses force, threats/coercion (such gunpoint like the Ciera Ross case above) to force a man to put him penis in her or someone else , despite his protestations or forces it in herself such as if he is unconscious from alcohol or date rape drugs… It’s not rape. Why? Simple: “It is inappropriate to consider as a rape victim a man who engages in unwanted sexual intercourse with a woman.” I think most reasonable, rational, logical people would unanimously exclaim from the rooftops that “unwanted sexual intercourse”, when you have said no, is in fact Rape, wouldn’t they?

Thanks to feminist Mary P. Koss’s work with the CDC, “no means no” no longer applies to men. FEMINIST: Mary P. Koss isn’t just a “Rape Apologist”, she’s a full blown, verified, shameless “Victim Blamer“. She quite clearly in the same sentence, of her own written work, in an official document of the Department of Justice: National Criminal Justice Reference Service, absolves Women of raping men by exclaiming males raped by women are not victims of Rape. In the same sentence she, a feminist, exclaims that the victims “unwanted sexual intercourse” are NOT victims of Rape: provided the victim is male and the perpetrator is female. She does more than simply blame the VICTIM, she absolves the PERPETRATOR.”

The Jerusalem Post “Women’s groups: Cancel law charging women with rape!”

“The Knesset Law Committee on Tuesday decided to postpone a vote on second and third reading of a bill to add the crime of rape by a woman to the statute book after women’s organizations warned that it would lead to a situation where women would be afraid to charge men with rape.

According to the proposal, an amendment to the Penal Law, a woman who causes or makes it possible for a person to insert his (or her) bodily organ or an object into her sexual organ will be charged with rape, forbidden intercourse by consent, sodomy or sex offenses within the family, depending on the circumstances of the act.

The law applies to women who perform the above on adult men and women, as well as on minors of either sex.”

Toy Soldiers “A Sad Day For Male Rape Victims In India”

“Several weeks ago, I wrote about the Indian government’s reaction to lobbying for changes to their rape statutes. I noted in the piece that women’s groups in India opposed changing the statute from “rape” to “sexual assault” because it included women as potential rapists. Their argument was that rape is an expression of patriarchal power, therein making it impossible for women to rape men, and that men accused of rape would simply accuse the women of rape, both of which are typical feminist arguments against acknowledging male victimization.

It appears the Indian government bowed to the women’s groups demands:

Bowing to pressure from women activists, the government has decided to restore the term rape in criminal law that states only men can be booked for committing the offense against women. It has also decided to lower the age of consent for sex from 18 to 16 years. These are fresh changes proposed by the Centre in its criminal laws (amendment) bill, which will replace the rape ordinance issued on February 3. […] The [JS Verma] panel — set up to look into rape laws after the December 16 Delhi gang rape — had recommended that the offense be kept gender-specific and the age for consensual sex be retained at 16 years in the Indian Penal Code (IPC). In its ordinance, however, the government replaced the term rape with sexual assault, stating that any ‘person’ can commit the offense.”

Jezebel “Have You Ever Beat Up A Boyfriend? Cause, Uh, We Have”

“According to a study of relationships that engage in nonreciprocal violence, a whopping 70% are perpetrated by women. So basically that means that girls are beating up their BFs and husbands and the dudes aren’t fighting back. With Amy Winehouse busting open a can of whupass on her husband last week, we decided to conduct an informal survey of the Jezebels to see who’s gotten violent with their men. After reviewing the answers, let’s just say that it’d be wise to never ever fuck with us.

One Jezebel got into it with a dude while they were breaking up, while another Jez went nuts on her guy and began violently shoving him. One of your editors heard her boyfriend flirting on the phone with another girl, so she slapped the phone out of his hands and hit him in the face and neck… “partially open handed.” Another editor slapped a guy when “he told me he thought he had breast cancer.” (Okay, that one made us laugh really hard.) And lastly, one Jez punched a steady in the face and broke his glasses. He had discovered a sex story she was writing about another dude on her laptop, so he picked it up and threw it. And that’s when she socked him. He was, uh, totally asking for it.”

“nor do we want men to be ridiculed for being raped or abused.” Really? Cause there’s a Feminist article on a feminist website which absolutely is ridiculing men for being abused…. You were fuckin saying?

You people are terrible at lying.

“Feminists hate patriarchy, we do not hate you.”

…. anyone who’s read any of the books which are required reading for gender studies courses – many of which I quoted from above…. can see through this.

“If you really care about those issues as passionately as you say you do, you should be thanking feminists, because feminism is a social movement actively dedicated to dismantling every single one of them. The fact that you blame feminists – your allies – for problems against which they have been struggling for decades suggests that supporting men isn’t nearly as important to you as resenting women. We care about your problems a lot. Could you try caring about ours?”

… where to start….

“you should be thanking feminists, because feminism is a social movement actively dedicated to dismantling every single one of them” – As I have so clearly shown, you have done nothing but either actually be the ones to create these problems – or you’ve been working tirelessly to put gas on the fire to make them worse. Literally, not figuratively, literally. Feminists actually created a fair number of these problems…. and the others they have done nothing supportive in the slightest imaginable degree, they have only ever advocated to make these things worse.

“The fact that you blame feminists – your allies – for problems against which they have been struggling for decades” – You’ve been struggling for decades to lobby for laws which unjustly persecute men, deny them their civil liberties and slander them as being inherently deviant monsters. That’s what you’ve been doing, for not just decades – over a fucking century. First wave feminism extends all the way into the 1800’s when the tender years doctrine was written into law at the behest of feminists/suffragettes.

“We care about your problems a lot” – Than stop slandering us and lobbying for gender biased laws with which to persecute us.

“Could you try caring about ours?” – We already do, that’s WHY all the laws you lobby for get passed. Men care about women – we’re the ones who’ve been busy marching into the ocean one by one, not the other way around. The elected officials who vote to pass laws are largely men, so you’ve been able to get whatever you wanted no matter how gender biased it was. That’s why there is a Violence Against Women Act: for the protection of women because men care about women.

I’ve come across multiple examples of “Things feminism has done for men” and started laughing half way through, because they tell a lot of out-right-lies. Just bold faced lies in which they either pretend they advocated for something: of which they conveniently never provide evidence for relating any noted feminist ever advocating what said page claim feminism has advocated for.

Or they tell complete and utter lies like one page I was reading “NO, feminists don’t want you to lose your children. the idea that women are naturally better caregivers is a result of patriarchy”. Which – is a fucking lie. An Outright, complete, utter, unequivocal, unabashed lie. It was a Feminist, Caroline Norton, who CREATED the “Tender Years Doctrine” which was adopted into British common law, which was then used as the basis for Law in the United States and continues to be the basis now. Which is why custody of children is most often given to women: it was not the patriarchy who made it that way – it was a fucking feminist: Caroline Norton.

And on that point: the National Organization for Women, by the way – advocates AGAINST shared parenting laws, which would create equality in that custody of the children would NOT automatically go to women.

A-00330 and S-291 – Presumption of Joint Custody / Shared Parenting for Minor Children March 2005

There ya go, an official NOW page, where you can read it straight from the horses mouth. They oppose shared parenting – a law which would create legal equality and not give custody of children to women by default. That’s not the fucking patriarchy – that’s feminists. NOW is the single largest feminist organization in EXISTENCE. Bar none. They have publicly stated – they oppose shared parenting – they oppose legal equality.

Yet on more than one “Things feminism is helping men with!” page – they always claim they’re advocating for father’s rights and that men don’t have their children taken away from them: and they blame it on the patriarchy. Never-the-fuck-mind “Tender years doctrine” was created by FEMINIST Caroline Norton, and continues to be entrenched in law today because the single largest FEMINIST organization on the planet opposes shared parenting.

They say da patwyarchy is responsible for thinking women are more suited to take care of children: feminist Caroline Norton wrote, advocated and initiated the tender years doctrine. Not some imaginary boogeyman patriarchy – no – a feminist you LIARS.

They say they are working for father’s rights against the evil patwyarchy: No – the single largest feminist group in existence opposes shared parenting – not promotes it: you fucking LIARS.

It’s shit like that – they have all these pages filled with item, after item – after goddamned item where they PRETEND Feminism cares about men: and they’re lying through their teeth – TERRIBLY. It’d be one thing if you could at least obfuscate or dissemble your statements so that they were at least ssslllllightly dishonest but not eeeeeeentirely incorrect….. but no, they tell out right lies. They’ll make the claim that they’re advocating something in men’s favor: but you go and look it up – and it’s not just untrue that they’re doing anything beneficial towards men – it’s the exact opposite. What they actually lobby for – what they actually do in practice: is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what they claim they are doing.

You say feminists do not want men to lose their children and that women being better caretakers is because of the patriarchy: while opposing shared parenting laws and a feminist wrote and initiated the tender years doctrine…… It’s so obscene it’s hard to put into details that level of two faced, snake tongued lying….

It’s like…… it’s like a public service announcement…. in which the camera is only looking at a drug dealers face. The drug dealer – is making a “hand off” selling crack to a 12 year old, with his hands – but his face on camera is *saying* “Keep kids away from drugs.”

That’s what it’s like. That is an accurate analogy. That’s doing one thing and saying the exact opposite. That is an accurate analogy. It should literally be classified as it’s own mental illness. This kind of behavior is not ordinarily witnessed in any kind of sane individual, it’s utterly pathological.

This is what “cognitive dissonance” looks like. Cognitive Dissonance is the ability to contemplate two contradictory and antithetical concepts, exclusive to each other, and accept both of them as being true: simultaneously. It is only -possible- to do: through brain washing. A normal, well adjusted human being is not capable of this feat, this sanity defying level, of mental double think.

However…. you know why they put these pages out there right? Even if they are complete and absolutely verifiable lies….

“If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself.” ~ Adolf Hitler. Mein Kampf (1925), volume 1, chapter 6.

Observing Libertarian
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Observing Libertarian

I am a Humanist small L libertarian Minarchist. In that order - As a result of this philosophy: I cannot in good conscience condone the actions of any group, movement or organization which seeks to oppress another individuals human rights. By education I have an Associates of Occupational Studies in Gunsmithing, and am qualified to testify in Open Court on the State's behalf as a Firearms expert. I am also an NRA Certified Firearm Instructor. I am currently in the Process of writing two books on Philosophy, and have only recently joined the MHRM.

<span class="dsq-postid" data-dsqidentifier="151985">23 comments</span>

  • All those “parts of Patriarchy” above have proven useful to Matriarchy to continue to mollycoddle women at men’s overall expense. Just look around you, everything that Feminists blame on Patriarchy, has worsened under Matriarchy.

  • Probably better to break this down into separate 500/800-word posts. I suspect more people will read it versus a single 12,784-word piece.

    • Yes, because every Feminist is identical to the next, just like all MRAs are identical to each other…

  • Good God, OL – this is an exhaustive list. Very well done. I can read only a section at a time without having to get up and walk around.
    This post will become a resource.

  • Actually, Goebbels’ propaganda was rather primitive in comparison with the UK and US propaganda of the same era. It was primitive because it stands out as propaganda rather than being cleverly disguised as scientific theory, education or harmless entertainment.

    Marxist propaganda was already far superior than Goebbels’ propaganda long before anyone had even heard of Goebbels. While Russia suffered under the yoke of Stalin, less obvious forms of Marxism had already permeated Western society to its very core.

    When the Marxist fifth column had been exposed during the McCarthy era, Marxism became even more cleverly disguised, employing a combination of the social theories of the Frankfurt School, the anthropology of Franz Boas, the psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud and the advanced PR techniques of Edward Bernays to thrust Western society in an accelerating pace towards the cultural abyss.

    Modern “Feminism”, “Gay rights” agenda and related schemes are but crude and ineffective compared with the propaganda that allowed most of our elite universities to be taken over in silence by neo-Marxist agents.

    Read more:

  • Astounding! When I read the document at the top, I assumed it was a parody. A feminist actually said all that with a straight face? OMG.

  • One quibble: like many people these days, you misuse the phrase _cognitive dissonance_. It’s actually defined as “a state of mental stress or discomfort in someone who holds two contradictory beliefs”: If there’s no mental stress or discomfort — even if others think there _should_ be — there’s no cognitive dissonance.

    Orwell, however, did have a word for this phenomenon: *doublethink*.

    The distinction can be important, because people try to reduce cognitive dissonance, so where it’s present, it may drive someone to change their actions and/or self-concept. This is sometimes used by social change campaigns to get people to change their behavior to sync it up with their self-concept. Conversely, manipulative (cultic) groups often try to shift people’s behavior first, then induce them to change their beliefs to sync up with the new behavior.

  • The dating discussion is pretty convoluted… the logical way to go would be for whoever asks for the date pays, or if it’s mutual (“we should get together” “yes, what do you want to do etc”) then split it. Anyone who expects or requires to be treated all the time is just a cheapskate.

  • We will soon see a new age of “white flight” in which men just simply do not care about society and do not trust women. The hint that she actually could be your friend is nothing more than an insidious attempt to damn you will be the idea in every man’s head as a new paranoia and distrust reigns. Soon, feminists will complain of the cowardice of men, that they just don’t have the balls (they love insulting our balls) to go under the grindstone for their ease of life in being owed for being victims. They want you to pay your dues for having a cock. And if you are white and male? God help you, you are worse than Adolf and the devil…. probably trying to re-create the holocaust too.

  • I don’t know what’s more frightening: what’s stated in this article, or the fact that quite a few people will still believe in feminism after reading it.

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