ArchiveApril 2015

If women ran the world… and the Chinese answer to the princess culture


We still get calls for more female leadership in the world because women are supposedly so caring and peace-loving – although the record of female-dominated societies like the Iroquois and the Tlingit give the lie to that – when the truth is that power is power and it has the same effect on everyone who wields it irrespective of genitalia, gender or sexuality.…

Go Home, Gamer girl: Press release on unjust banishment from Calgary Expo


Early this morning, Fan Expo Canada staff (See edit notice at bottom)  banned Honey Badger Brigade (HBB) from the Calgary Comics and Entertainment Expo (CalEx). Security staff approached the HBB booth, ordered us to leave, and refused to state the reason why unless Alison Tieman agreed to speak to them away from the other members of the group, without recording.…

Toxic to the XTREME!


Now, I was simply buzzing about on facebook, as I am known to do, when I came across this little gem. “It’s extreme masculinity – not love or despair – that drives a father to kill his children“. Hahaha, ok – lets go a head and simply put things in perspective.…

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