ArchiveMarch 2015

The way forward


I have been wondering which way the men’s movement may be headed, what the next steps might be. I ran across a reddit post that asked the same question.
“{Debate} What should the MRM’s next step be?
In order to make a positive change happen, what next steps must the MRM take?…

Custody and child support, facts vs feminists


Opponents of men’s rights activism respond to discussion on custody and child support by denying the validity of father’s issues. Their story is that the movement’s assertions about court bias are unfounded. Their counter uses a combination of claims and insinuation to portray men as deadbeats who wantonly father unwanted children, abandon them, and then whine about being...

Upcoming Shows(March15th-21st) on Honey Badger Radio


Badger Pod Nerdcast 28: Going on a Feel Trip Join the badgers as we discuss Studio Ghibli films! Host: Brian Martinez Participants: Mike(DoctorRandomercam), Alison Tieman, Rachel Edwards, Anna Cherry Date: March 16th, 2015 Time: 5 PM Eastern   BadgerPod Gamergate # 8: Twelve Angry Boobs Join the badgers as we discuss the various happenings in Gamergate, #aggressive cleavage, Anita’s...

TIME, Human Rights Watch ignore male victims of violence, report that female victims are ignored


Story: Violence against women with disabilities is often ignored in several countries The TIME story links to a Human Rights Watch report, Include Women, Girls With Disabilities in Anti-Violence Efforts. According to TIME, this report shows that “Women with disabilities are three times as likely to be raped, physically abused or sexually assaulted,” but are “often ignored when...

O, My Soggy Knees!


The following is taken from an article by Psychology Today. 12 ways to spot a misogynist man.
I very characteristically felt inspired by that psychology today article, which I found -not- terribly biased. I would tend to agree that the behaviors discussed – are not necessarily proof, but are tells that a guy is potentially misogynist.…

Upcoming Shows this week(March 8th-14th) on Honey Badger Radio


Badger Pod Nerdcast 27: Put those away or you’ll poke out someone’s eye! Join the badgers as we discuss aggressive cleavage and convention apartheid. Host: Brian Martinez Participants: Mike(DoctorRandomercam), Alison Tieman, Anna Cherry Date: March 9th, 2015 Time: 5 PM Eastern   BadgerPod Gamergate # 7: Gamergate Update Join the badgers as we discuss Metal Gear Solid and how it...


You’re an adult speaker of English; what does the word “effeminate” convey to you? A man who acts too girly, right? It’s the main gay stereotype, the flaming queen in bright colors and loud patterns with exaggeratedly feminine voice mannerisms and florid
Of course “effeminate” is a word almost always applied only to men.…

If you want to engage with the Men’s Rights Movement: First acknowledge feminists’ enmity to equal rights for men


The MRM has developed through several stages and at the moment anti-MRAs, feminists in particular, are asking why MRAs are so obsessively anti-feminist. Now if they were a little more familiar with feminism’s stated principles – gender equality and a commitment to dismantling traditional gender roles – and then to to draw the obvious conclusions from these principles, they wouldn’t be asking this...

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