ArchiveDecember 2014

This is what sexual entitlement looks like: White men, Asian women, and the white women who hate them


In a post from a long time ago, unrelated to the actual topic of the post, a very interesting discussion of sexual ownership developed. (This is why I cherish thread drift, by the way.) The issue was the way white women treat—judging, sneering, accusing—white men who are in romantic relationships with non-white women, especially Asian* women.…

Badger Pod Nerd Cast 16: Miss Impossible! Navigating the Minefield of Writing Female Characters


Superfemmes! How to or not to write or draw women in comics! Comic books, like many other mediums of expression, have quite the checkered past. Comics, at least in the mainstream, have been used as propaganda during World War II in the 1930s and 1940s, were under attack by psychiatrists and politicians for corrupting American youth in the 1950s, entered the Atomic Age with wide-eyed wonder and...

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